🏡 index : ~doyle/rgit.git

{% import "macros/link.html" as link %}
{% extends "repo/base.html" %}

{% block content %}
<table class="commit-info">
        <th>tag name</th>
        <td>{{ tag.name }}</td>
    {% if let Some(tagger) = tag.tagger %}
            <th>tag date</th>
            <td>{{ tagger.time() }}</td>
            <th>tagged by</th>
            <td>{{ tagger.name() }} &lt;{{ tagger.email() }}&gt;</td>
    {% endif %}
    {% if let Some(tagged_object) = tag.tagged_object %}
            <th>tagged object</th>
                {% match tagged_object %}
                    {% when crate::git::TaggedObject::Commit with (commit) %}
                        <a href="/{{ repo.display() }}/commit?id={{ commit }}{% call link::maybe_branch_suffix(branch) %}">commit {{ commit|truncate(10) }}...</a>
                    {% when crate::git::TaggedObject::Tree with (tree) %}
                        tree {{ tree }}
                {% endmatch %}
    {% endif %}
        <td colspan="2"><pre><a href="/{{ repo.display() }}/snapshot?h={{ tag.name }}">{{ tag.name }}.tar.gz</a></pre></td>

<pre class="h2-first-line">{{ tag.message }}</pre>
{% endblock %}