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# reaper


[League of Legends]http://leagueoflegends.com mass summoner name checker. Supply a region and a list and the script will check the list for available summoner names. Common uses are finding quick variations of your name or finding rare (or "OG") names for selling. An API Key is required to do use this script, they are available for free from [Riot Games]https://developer.riotgames.com/, the API key is set in **reaper.js**.

This script includes a built-in rate limiter and a very basic web server for checking the status of the script remotely available on port **8090**.

The syntax of reaper is very simple:

    node reaper.js [server (na/euw/lan/etc)] [username file] (output file)

For example:

    node reaper.js euw username_list.txt output.txt

Will check the list username_list.txt for available summoner names on Europe West and output what it finds to output.txt