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Easy native HomeKit-BlueIris integration

hkbi allows you to natively integrate BlueIris into your home without the effort of dealing with WebRTC, or attempting to configure generic solutions to deal with BlueIris. With hkbi you simply need to pass a config file containing your BlueIris credentials and set up a trigger for motion alerts via HomeKit.


$ hkbi ./config.toml

To pair, enter the pin 11111112.


listen-address = ""
data-dir = "/var/lib/hkbi/"

instance = ""
username = "abcdef"
password = "123456"

BlueIris Trigger Setup

Go to your camera's settings, select Trigger and enable Motion Sensor. Now go to the Alerts tab, and create an On alert... HTTP request pointing to Do the same for On reset... but with state=off. &CAM is a magic value in BlueIris referring to your camera's ID.


There's a major open-source community around HomeKit, and security systems in home automation - with various ways of integrating BlueIris into them.