🏡 index : ~doyle/gitlab-cargo-shim.git

# Unreleased

- -- Support env var `RUST_LOG` log filter configuration.
- Add info logs for release & metadata fetch latency.
---- Introduce configurable cache backend with a RocksDB implementation (set `cache.type = "rocksdb"` and `cache.path = "cache"` to use it), defaults to `cache.type = "in-memory"`.
- Support crate yanking by creating a `yanked` file on the release.
- Add `bust-cache` command, invoked via `ssh [registry] -- bust-cache [project] [crate-name] [crate-version]` to remove eligibility cache (ie. after a crate has been yanked)
# v0.1.4

- Add optional `metadata-format` config. Options: `json` (default) & `json.zst`.
  When the latter selected the server will fetch `metadata.json.zst` files.

# v0.1.3

- Add `ssl-cert` configuration value under `gitlab` to allow self-signed
    --  -  -  
# v0.1.2

Add expires_at field to impersonation_tokens POST request to conform to
Gitlab breaking change in v16.1

# v0.1.1

Various bugfixes relating to interaction with Cargo - thanks @Eijebong
for the contribution.

# v0.1.0

Initial release