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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Query the Wolfram API when the user wants to find something out."""
import dave.module
import dave.config
import wolframalpha
import socket
from twisted.words.protocols.irc import assembleFormattedText, attributes as A

@dave.module.help("Query the Wolfram API and return the result back to the user.")
@dave.module.command(["wolfram", "w", "wolframalpha", "wa"], "(.+)$")
def wolfram(bot, args, sender, source):
    query = args[0].strip()

    key = "wolfram:{}".format(query.lower())

    if dave.config.redis.exists(key):
        bot.reply(source, sender, dave.config.redis.get(key))
        dave.config.redis.setex(key, 60, dave.config.redis.get(key))

    if query:
        socket.socket = dave.config.proxied_socket
        client = wolframalpha.Client(dave.config.config["api_keys"]["wolfram"])
        res = client.query(query)
        socket.socket = dave.config.default_socket

        if len(res.pods) > 0:
            resultpod = next(res.results)
            result = resultpod.text.encode('utf-8')

            if "image" in res.pods[0].text:
                result = resultpod.img

            if len(result) > 500:
                result = result[:497] + "..."

            res = assembleFormattedText(A.normal[A.bold[str(res.pods[0].text.encode('utf-8'))],
                                        ": {}".format(result)])
            dave.config.redis.setex(key, 60, res.decode('utf-8'))
            bot.reply(source, sender, res.decode('utf-8'))