🏡 index : ~doyle/dave.git

author Jordan Doyle <jordan@doyle.wf> 2017-08-01 19:26:49.0 +00:00:00
committer Jordan Doyle <jordan@doyle.wf> 2017-08-01 19:26:49.0 +00:00:00
23f895b43a7ba8aee05079511e81794862f8745d [patch]

Make command processing a bit more readable and comment the logic since it's all a bit complex


 dave/dave.py | 95 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 65 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dave/dave.py b/dave/dave.py
index 17876f3..13f0e2c 100644
--- a/dave/dave.py
+++ b/dave/dave.py
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ class Dave(irc.IRCClient):

    def signedOn(self):
        """Called when bot has succesfully signed on to server."""
        # let everyone know i'm a bot by setting +B on myself
        self.mode(self.nickname, True, "B")

        for channel in config.config["irc"]["channels"]:
@@ -57,69 +58,102 @@ class Dave(irc.IRCClient):

    def privmsg(self, user, channel, msg):
        """This will get called when the bot receives a message."""
        nick = user.split("!", 1)[0]
        userhost = user.split("!", 1)[1]
        nick, userhost = user.split("!", 1)

        log.msg("<{}> {}".format(user, msg))

        # get the absolute path to our modules directory
        path = modules.__path__

        # prefix for names iter_modules outputs so we can import it easily
        prefix = "{}.".format(modules.__name__)

        method = (99999, None)  # priority, method to run
        method = (99999, None)  # priority, command to run
        run = []  # methods which match the message which should be run regardless of priority

        if channel == self.nickname:
            # message was sent directly to the bot to respond directly back to the user
            channel = nick

        # match messages in the format of "username: command"
        match = re.match(r"^(?:{}[:,]? ){}(.*)$".format(
            # make the bot name optional if the command was sent via pm to the bot
            "?" if channel == nick else ""
        ), msg)

        # true if this message invokes the bot directly
        invoked = bool(match)

        # use the parsed message if the bot was invoked directly or just use the raw msg
        msg = match.group(1) if invoked else msg

        # loop over all of our modules
        for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(path, prefix):
            # import the module - we should probably optimise this as at the moment
            # every module is loaded every time a message is sent
            m = importer.find_module(modname).load_module(modname)

            # loop over the attributes of this module
            for name, val in m.__dict__.items():
                if callable(val) and hasattr(val, "rule"):
                    priority = val.priority.value if hasattr(val, "priority") else 0

                    if method[0] < priority and not hasattr(val, "always_run"):
                if not callable(val) or not hasattr(val, "rule"):
                    # only loop over functions that have been decorated by command/match

                # get the priority of this method or default to 0. priorities are
                # lower = higher priority
                priority = val.priority.value if hasattr(val, "priority") else 0

                if method[0] < priority and not hasattr(val, "always_run"):
                    # we already know about a command with higher priority. skip this one.

                # commands can match multiple commands or rules, loop over each one
                # and see if it matches
                for rule in val.rule:
                    if rule["named"] and not invoked:
                        # this rule wanted to be invoked by name but this message
                        # doesn't invoke the bot directly so lets ignore this message.

                    for rule in val.rule:
                        if channel == nick:
                            # message was sent directly to the bot so make name optional
                            regex = r"^(?:{}(?::|,|) )?(.*)$".format(self.nickname) \
                                if rule["named"] else r"^(.*)$"
                            regex = r"^{}(?::|,|) (.*)$".format(self.nickname) \
                                if rule["named"] else r"^(.*)$"

                        match = re.match(regex, msg)
                    match = re.match(rule["pattern"], msg)

                        if match:
                            match = re.match(rule["pattern"], match.group(1))
                    if match:
                        # if this method should always run regardless of priority, add it
                        # to the list of things to execute later. if not, update our
                        # method tuple with our newest high priority command.
                        if hasattr(val, "always_run"):
                            run.append((val, match.groups()))
                            method = (priority, val, match.groups(), rule["named"])

                            if match:
                                if hasattr(val, "always_run"):
                                    run.append((val, match.groups()))
                                    method = (priority, val, match.groups(),
                        # we've matched a rule for this command already, no need to
                        # keep going.

        # if this is true then if the dont_always_run flag is set on our command we're
        # about to execute, ignore it and run anyway. currently, this is only used when
        # the user is ratelimited for the command they tried to execute
        ignore_dont_always_run = False

        if method[1] is not None:
            # we matched a command
            if ratelimit(method[1], userhost):
                # ratelimit returned true, we can run our function!
                # not ratelimited, we can run our function!
                deferToThread(method[1], self, method[2], nick, channel)
            elif method[3]:
                # if this was a direct command to the bot, tell them they've been r/l'd
                self.reply(channel, nick, "You have been ratelimited for this command.")
                # if it wasn't, let the always_run functions run.
                # if it wasn't, let the always_run functions run. since it wasn't a direct
                # invoke, we don't need to alert the user about being r/l'd
                ignore_dont_always_run = True

        # we always want this method to run if a command wasn't matched, if the user was
        # ratelimited or if command doesn't have the dont_always_run flag set.
        if method[1] is None or ignore_dont_always_run or \
                not (hasattr(method[1], "dont_always_run") and method[1].dont_always_run):
            # if dont_always_run is set, the command the user sent doesn't
            # want "always run" modules to run.
            # loop over every always_run method that we matched and execute it
            for m in run:
                if not hasattr(m[0], "ratelimit") or ratelimit(m[0], userhost):
                    # modules that should always be run regardless of priority
@@ -127,10 +161,11 @@ class Dave(irc.IRCClient):

    def irc_unknown(self, prefix, command, params):
        if command == "INVITE":
            # join any channels we are invited to

    def msg(self, dest, message, length=None):
        """Override msg() to log what the bot says"""
        """Override msg() to log what the bot says and to make msg thread safe."""
        log.msg("<{}> {}".format(self.nickname, message))
        reactor.callFromThread(super(Dave, self).msg, dest, message, length)