<script type="typescript">
import { page } from '$app/stores';
* URL to navigate to after pressing the link
export let href: string;
* A list of base URLs that should cause this navigation item to be marked as
* the active page.
export let aliases: string[] = [];
* Contains whether this link is currently considered active based on the current URL.
let active: boolean;
$: if (href === '/') {
active = $page.url.pathname === href;
} else {
active = $page.url.pathname.startsWith(href) || aliases.some((v) => $page.url.pathname.startsWith(v));
{#if active}
class="block py-2 pr-4 pl-3 text-white bg-blue-700 rounded md:bg-transparent md:text-blue-700 md:p-0 dark:text-white"
<slot />
class="block py-2 pr-4 pl-3 text-gray-700 rounded hover:bg-gray-100 md:hover:bg-transparent md:hover:text-blue-700 md:p-0 md:dark:hover:text-white dark:text-gray-400 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 dark:hover:text-white md:dark:hover:bg-transparent dark:border-gray-700"
<slot />