🏡 index : ~doyle/blockbuster.git

// this is a comment, any lines that start with //
// (and blank lines) should be ignored

[Book data]
// data is author, isbn, noOfPages, publisher, title, itemCode, cost, timesBorrowed, onLoan
Barnes and Kolling, 9780131976290,480, Pearson, Objects First with Java, LM002411,3989,781,true
Aho Sethi and Ullman, 9780201101942,795, Addison-Wesley, Compilers: Principles Techniques and Tools, LM002711,599,0,FALSE
Harvey Paul and Jeffrey, 9780130622211,1568, Prentice Hall, C# How to Program, LM002876,4599,45,TRUE
Muster, 9780072193145,1011, McGraw-Hill, Unix Made Easy: The Basics and Beyond (Made Easy), LM002468,6395,0,TRUE
Thomee, 9783540331216,370, Springer Verlag, Galerkin Finite Element Methods for Parabolic Problems, LM002153,4554,0,FALSE

[CD data]

// data is artist, noOfTracks, playingTime, title, itemCode, cost, timesBorrowed, onLoan

James Blunt,15,68, Back to Bedlam, LM003604,498,234,true
Duffy,10,73, Rockferry, LM003553,898,90,false
Adele,12,19,75, LM003580,798,87,FALSE
Robert Plant and Alison Krauss,13,72, Raising Sand, LM003750,898,89,tRUE
Goldfrapp,10,72, Seventh Tree, LM003873,1299,9876,true
Amy Winehouse,11,70, Back To Black, LM003698,698,8765,false
Jack Johnson,15,67, Sleep Through The Static, LM003773,898,54,True
 Mark Ronson,14,74, Version, LM003365,698,56,true
Radiohead,10,75, In Rainbows , LM003771,798,6543,FALSE
Nick Cave,11,68, Dig!!! Lazarus Dig!!!, LM003751,1199,90,False
Nickelback,11,72, All the Right Reasons, LM003915,598,32,true

[DVD data]

// data is director, playingTime, title, itemCode, cost, timesBorrowed, onLoan
Chris Miller,92, Shrek The Third, LM004314,1026,900,TRUE
Robert Zemeckis,114, Beowulf , LM004079,900,87,FALSE
Phyllida Lloyd,118,  Mamma Mia, LM004984,798,566,true
Joe Wright,130, Atonement, LM004720,1293,66,true
Andrew Adamson,125, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, LM004178,345,45,FALSE

[periodical data]
// data is publicationDate, noOfPages, publisher, title, itemCode, cost, timesBorrowed, onLoan
25-03-08,70, News International, The Times, LM005447,80,0,FALSE
26-03-08,70, News International, The Times, LM005002,80,0,false
26-03-08,60, Associated Newspapers, Daily Mail, LM005177,40,0,false