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pub mod events;

use actix::{Context, Handler, ResponseFuture};
use itertools::Itertools;
use tracing::instrument;

use crate::persistence::events::{
    ChannelCreated, ChannelJoined, ChannelMessage, ChannelParted, FetchUnseenMessages,

/// Takes events destined for other actors and persists them to the database.
pub struct Persistence {
    pub database: sqlx::Pool<sqlx::Any>,

impl actix::Supervised for Persistence {}

impl actix::Actor for Persistence {
    type Context = Context<Self>;

/// Create a new channel in the database, if one doesn't already exist.
impl Handler<ChannelCreated> for Persistence {
    type Result = ResponseFuture<()>;

    fn handle(&mut self, msg: ChannelCreated, _ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result {
        let conn = self.database.clone();

        Box::pin(async move {
            sqlx::query("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO channels (name) VALUES (?)")

/// Insert a new channel member into the database.
impl Handler<ChannelJoined> for Persistence {
    type Result = ResponseFuture<()>;

    #[instrument(parent = &msg.span, skip_all)]
    fn handle(&mut self, msg: ChannelJoined, _ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result {
        let conn = self.database.clone();

        Box::pin(async move {
                "INSERT INTO channel_users (channel, user, permissions, in_channel)
                 VALUES ((SELECT id FROM channels WHERE name = ?), (SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = ?), ?, ?)
                 ON CONFLICT(channel, user) DO UPDATE SET in_channel = excluded.in_channel"

/// Update a user to not being in a channel anymore.
impl Handler<ChannelParted> for Persistence {
    type Result = ResponseFuture<()>;

    #[instrument(parent = &msg.span, skip_all)]
    fn handle(&mut self, msg: ChannelParted, _ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result {
        let conn = self.database.clone();

        Box::pin(async move {
                "UPDATE channel_users
                 SET in_channel = false
                 WHERE channel = (SELECT id FROM channels WHERE name = ?)
                   AND user = (SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = ?)",

impl Handler<FetchUserChannels> for Persistence {
    type Result = ResponseFuture<Vec<String>>;

    fn handle(&mut self, msg: FetchUserChannels, _ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result {
        let conn = self.database.clone();

        Box::pin(async move {
                "SELECT channels.name
                  FROM channel_users
                  INNER JOIN channels
                    ON channels.id = channel_users.channel
                  WHERE user = (SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = ?)
                    AND in_channel = true",
            .map(|(v,)| v)

impl Handler<ChannelMessage> for Persistence {
    type Result = ResponseFuture<()>;

    fn handle(&mut self, msg: ChannelMessage, _ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result {
        let conn = self.database.clone();

        Box::pin(async move {
            let (channel, idx): (i64, i64) = sqlx::query_as(
                "WITH channel AS (SELECT id FROM channels WHERE name = ?)
                 INSERT INTO channel_messages (channel, idx, sender, message)
                        COALESCE((SELECT MAX(idx) + 1 FROM channel_messages WHERE channel = channel.id), 0),
                    FROM channel
                 RETURNING channel, idx",

            let query = format!(
                "UPDATE channel_users
                 SET last_seen_message_idx = ?
                 WHERE channel = ?
                   AND user IN (SELECT id FROM users WHERE username IN ({}))",
                msg.receivers.iter().map(|_| "?").join(",")

            let mut query = sqlx::query(&query).bind(idx).bind(channel);
            for receiver in msg.receivers {
                query = query.bind(receiver);


impl Handler<FetchUnseenMessages> for Persistence {
    type Result = ResponseFuture<Vec<(String, String)>>;

    #[instrument(parent = &msg.span, skip_all)]
    fn handle(&mut self, msg: FetchUnseenMessages, _ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result {
        let conn = self.database.clone();

        Box::pin(async move {
            // select the last 500 messages, or the last message the user saw - whichever dataset
            // is smaller.
            let res = sqlx::query_as(
                "WITH channel AS (SELECT id FROM channels WHERE name = ?)
                 SELECT sender, message
                 FROM channel_messages
                 WHERE channel = (SELECT id FROM channel)
                    AND idx > MAX(
                            SELECT MAX(0, MAX(idx) - 500)
                            FROM channel_messages
                            WHERE channel = (SELECT id FROM channel)
                            SELECT last_seen_message_idx
                            FROM channel_users
                            WHERE channel = (SELECT id FROM channel)
                              AND user = (SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = ?)
                 ORDER BY idx DESC",
