🏡 index : ~doyle/rgit.git

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/staging-next";

    crane.url = "github:ipetkov/crane";
    utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
    treefmt-nix.url = "github:numtide/treefmt-nix";

    advisory-db = {
      url = "github:rustsec/advisory-db";
      flake = false;

    helix = {
      url = "github:JordanForks/helix";
      flake = false;

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, utils, crane, advisory-db, treefmt-nix, helix }:
    utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
        pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
        craneLib = crane.mkLib pkgs;
        src = craneLib.cleanCargoSource ./.;
        helix-grammar = pkgs.callPackage "${helix}/grammars.nix" { inherit pkgs; };
        rgit-grammar = pkgs.runCommand "consolidated-rgit-grammars" { } ''
          mkdir -p $out
          for file in ${helix-grammar}/*; do
            ln -s "$file" "$out/libtree-sitter-$(basename "$file")"
          ln -s "${helix}/languages.toml" "$out/languages.toml"
          ln -s "${helix}/runtime/queries" "$out/queries"
        commonArgs = {
          inherit src;
          strictDeps = true;
          buildInputs = pkgs.lib.optionals pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin [ pkgs.libiconv ];
          nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [ cmake clang ];
          LIBCLANG_PATH = "${pkgs.clang.cc.lib}/lib";
          ROCKSDB_LIB_DIR = "${pkgs.rocksdb}/lib";
          TREE_SITTER_GRAMMAR_LIB_DIR = "${rgit-grammar}";
        cargoArtifacts = craneLib.buildDepsOnly commonArgs;
        rgit = craneLib.buildPackage (commonArgs // {
          inherit cargoArtifacts;
          doCheck = false;
          src = pkgs.lib.fileset.toSource {
            root = ./.;
            fileset = pkgs.lib.fileset.unions [
        treefmt = treefmt-nix.lib.evalModule pkgs ./treefmt.nix;
        checks = {
          inherit rgit;
          rgit-clippy = craneLib.cargoClippy (commonArgs // {
            inherit cargoArtifacts;
            cargoClippyExtraArgs = "--all --all-targets --all-features";
          rgit-doc = craneLib.cargoDoc (commonArgs // { inherit cargoArtifacts; });
          rgit-audit = craneLib.cargoAudit { inherit src advisory-db; };
          rgit-test = craneLib.cargoNextest (commonArgs // {
            inherit cargoArtifacts;
            partitions = 1;
            partitionType = "count";
          formatting = treefmt.config.build.check self;

        formatter = treefmt.config.build.wrapper;

        packages.default = rgit;
        apps.default = utils.lib.mkApp { drv = rgit; };

        devShells.default = craneLib.devShell {
          checks = self.checks.${system};

        nixosModules.default = { config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
          with lib;
            cfg = config.services.rgit;
            options.services.rgit = {
              enable = mkEnableOption "rgit";
              bindAddress = mkOption {
                default = "[::]:8333";
                description = "Address and port to listen on";
                type = types.str;
              dbStorePath = mkOption {
                default = "/tmp/rgit.db";
                description = "Path to store the temporary cache";
                type = types.path;
              repositoryStorePath = mkOption {
                default = "/git";
                description = "Path to repositories";
                type = types.path;
              requestTimeout = mkOption {
                default = "10s";
                description = "Timeout for incoming HTTP requests";
                type = types.str;
              package = mkOption {
                default = rgit;
                description = "rgit package to use";
                type = types.package;

            config = mkIf cfg.enable {
              users.groups.rgit = { };
              users.users.rgit = {
                description = "RGit service user";
                group = "rgit";
                isSystemUser = true;
                home = "/git";

              systemd.services.rgit = {
                enable = true;
                wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
                after = [ "network-online.target" ];
                path = [ pkgs.git ];
                serviceConfig = {
                  Type = "exec";
                  ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/rgit --request-timeout ${cfg.requestTimeout} --db-store ${cfg.dbStorePath} ${cfg.bindAddress} ${cfg.repositoryStorePath}";
                  Restart = "on-failure";

                  User = "rgit";
                  Group = "rgit";

                  CapabilityBoundingSet = "";
                  NoNewPrivileges = true;
                  PrivateDevices = true;
                  PrivateTmp = true;
                  PrivateUsers = true;
                  PrivateMounts = true;
                  ProtectHome = true;
                  ProtectClock = true;
                  ProtectProc = "noaccess";
                  ProcSubset = "pid";
                  ProtectKernelLogs = true;
                  ProtectKernelModules = true;
                  ProtectKernelTunables = true;
                  ProtectControlGroups = true;
                  ProtectHostname = true;
                  RestrictSUIDSGID = true;
                  RestrictRealtime = true;
                  RestrictNamespaces = true;
                  LockPersonality = true;
                  RemoveIPC = true;
                  RestrictAddressFamilies = [ "AF_INET" "AF_INET6" ];
                  SystemCallFilter = [ "@system-service" "~@privileged" ];