🏡 index : ~doyle/rgit.git

# rgit

[See it in action!]https://git.inept.dev/

A gitweb/cgit-like interface for the modern age. Written in Rust using Axum, git2, Askama and Sled.

Sled is used to store all metadata about a repository including commits, branches, tags. Metadata
will be reindexed every 5 minutes outside of the request path. This leads to up to 97% faster load
times for large repositories.

Files, trees & diffs will be loaded using git2 directly upon request, a small in-memory cache is
included for rendered READMEs and diffs.

Includes a dark mode for late night committing.

Your `SCAN_PATH` should contain (optionally nested) [bare repositories][], and a `config` file
can be written with a `[gitweb.owner]` key to signify ownership.

Example given:

[bare repositories]: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-on-the-Server-Getting-Git-on-a-Server



### Installation

#### From Source

rgit can be installed from source by cloning, building using [`cargo`][] and running the binary:

git clone https://github.com/w4/rgit
cd rgit
cargo build --release
./target/release/rgit [::]:3333 /path/to/my-repos -d /tmp/rgit-cache.db

[`cargo`]: https://www.rust-lang.org/

#### NixOS

Running rgit on NixOS is extremely simple, simply import the module into your `flake.nix` and use the
provided service:


#### Docker

Running rgit in Docker is also simple, just mount the directory containing your repositories to `/git`:

docker run --mount type=bind,source=/path/to/my-repos,target=/git \
  --user $UID:$GID \
  -it ghcr.io/w4/rgit:main

**Note**: Take care to replace `$UID` and `$GID` with the UID and GID of the user that owns the directory containing your repositories or there will be errors! [See here]https://linuxhandbook.com/uid-linux/ to learn how to find the UID of a user.