🏡 index : ~doyle/packfile.git

//! A high-level interface for building packfiles. Wraps the `low_level` module
//! making a much easier interface for writing files and generating the root
//! commit.
//! The output packfile will only have a single commit in it, which is fine
//! for our purposes because `cargo` will `git pull --force` from our Git
//! server, allowing us to ignore any history the client may have.

use bytes::Bytes;
use indexmap::IndexMap;

use crate::{
        Commit, CommitUserInfo, HashOutput, PackFileEntry, TreeItem as LowLevelTreeItem,

/// The main way of interacting with the high level Packfile builder
/// Builds a whole packfile containing files, directories and commits - essentially
/// building out a full Git repository in memory.
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct GitRepository {
    /// A map containing all the blobs and their corresponding hashes so they're
    /// not inserted more than once for any files in the whole tree with the same
    /// content.
    packfile_entries: IndexMap<HashOutput, PackFileEntry>,
    /// An in-progress `Tree` currently being built out, the tree refers to items
    /// in `file_entries` by hash.
    tree: Tree,

impl GitRepository {
    /// Inserts a file into the repository, writing a file to the path
    /// `path/to/my-file` would require a `path` of `["path", "to"]`
    /// and a `file` of `"my-file"`.
        feature = "tracing",
        tracing::instrument(skip(self, file, content), err)
    pub fn insert(
        &mut self,
        path: &[&'static str],
        file: impl Into<ArcOrCowStr>,
        content: Bytes,
    ) -> Result<(), Error> {
        // we'll initialise the directory to the root of the tree, this means
        // if a path isn't specified we'll just write it to the root directory
        let mut directory = &mut self.tree;

        // loops through the parts in the path, recursing through the `directory`
        // `Tree` until we get to our target directory, creating any missing
        // directories along the way.
        for part in path {
            let tree_item = directory
                .or_insert_with(|| Box::new(TreeItem::Tree(Tree::default())));

            if let TreeItem::Tree(d) = tree_item.as_mut() {
                directory = d;
            } else {
                return Err(Error::NotDirectory(part));

        // wrap the file in a Blob so it's ready for writing into the packfile, and also
        // allows us to grab the hash of the file for use in the tree
        let entry = PackFileEntry::Blob(content);
        let file_hash = entry.hash()?;

        // todo: what should we do on overwrite?
            .insert(file.into(), Box::new(TreeItem::Blob(file_hash)));

        self.packfile_entries.insert(file_hash, entry);


    /// Finalises this `GitRepository` by writing a commit to the `packfile_entries`,
    /// all the files currently in the `tree`, returning all the packfile entries
    /// and also the commit hash so it can be referred to by `ls-ref`s.
        feature = "tracing",
        tracing::instrument(skip(self, name, email, message), err)
    pub fn commit(
        mut self,
        name: &'static str,
        email: &'static str,
        message: &'static str,
    ) -> Result<(HashOutput, Vec<PackFileEntry>), Error> {
        // gets the hash of the entire tree from the root
        let tree_hash = self
            .into_packfile_entries(&mut self.packfile_entries)?;

        // build the commit using the given inputs
        let commit_user = CommitUserInfo {
            time: time::OffsetDateTime::UNIX_EPOCH,

        let commit = PackFileEntry::Commit(Commit {
            tree: tree_hash,
            author: commit_user,
            committer: commit_user,

        // write the commit out to the packfile_entries
        let commit_hash = commit.hash()?;
        self.packfile_entries.insert(commit_hash, commit);

            self.packfile_entries.into_iter().map(|(_, v)| v).collect(),

/// An in-progress tree builder, containing file hashes along with their names or nested trees
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
struct Tree(IndexMap<ArcOrCowStr, Box<TreeItem>>);

impl Tree {
    /// Recursively writes the the whole tree out to the given `pack_file`,
    /// the tree contains pointers to (hashes of) files contained within a
    /// directory, and pointers to other directories.
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(skip(self, pack_file), err))]
    fn into_packfile_entries(
        pack_file: &mut IndexMap<HashOutput, PackFileEntry>,
    ) -> Result<HashOutput, Error> {
        let mut tree = Vec::with_capacity(self.0.len());

        for (name, item) in self.0 {
            tree.push(match *item {
                TreeItem::Blob(hash) => LowLevelTreeItem {
                    kind: TreeItemKind::File,
                    sort_name: name.to_string(),
                TreeItem::Tree(tree) => LowLevelTreeItem {
                    kind: TreeItemKind::Directory,
                    sort_name: format!("{name}/"),
                    // we're essentially working through our tree from the bottom up,
                    // so we can grab the hash of each directory along the way and
                    // reference it from the parent directory
                    hash: tree.into_packfile_entries(pack_file)?,

        // we need to sort our tree alphabetically, otherwise Git will silently
        // stop parsing the rest of the tree once it comes across a non-sorted
        // tree entry.
        tree.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.sort_name.cmp(&b.sort_name));

        // gets the hash of the tree we've just worked on, and
        // pushes it to the packfile
        let tree = PackFileEntry::Tree(tree);
        let hash = tree.hash()?;
        pack_file.insert(hash, tree);


/// An item within a `Tree`, this could be a file blob or another directory.
enum TreeItem {
    /// Refers to a file by hash
    /// Refers to a nested directory

mod test {
    use crate::{high_level::GitRepository, low_level::PackFile};
    use bytes::{Bytes, BytesMut};

    fn deterministic() {
        let mut repo = GitRepository::default();
        repo.insert(&["a", "b"], "c.txt", Bytes::from("hello world!"))
        repo.insert(&["c", "d"], "c.txt", Bytes::from("test"))
        let (hash, packfile) = repo
            .commit("me", "me@example.com", "initial commit")


    fn git_verify_pack() {
        let mut repo = GitRepository::default();
        repo.insert(&[], "c.txt", Bytes::from(vec![0; 256]))
        repo.insert(&["e", "f"], "c.txt", Bytes::from("hiya"))
        repo.insert(&["c", "d"], "c.txt", Bytes::from("hello world!"))
        let (_hash, packfile) = repo
            .commit("me", "me@example.com", "initial commit")

        let mut output = BytesMut::new();
        PackFile::new(&packfile).encode_to(&mut output).unwrap();

        let stdout = crate::test::verify_pack_file(output.freeze());

        insta::with_settings!({filters => vec![
            (r#"/(.*)/example.pack"#, "/path/to/example.pack")
        ]}, {