//! Objects of type Foo are fetched via a call to "Foo/get".
use std::borrow::Cow;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_with::{serde_as, BorrowCow};
use crate::{common::Id, endpoints::object::ObjectState};
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct GetParams<'a> {
/// The id of the account to use.
account_id: Id<'a>,
/// The ids of the Foo objects to return. If null, then *all* records
/// of the data type are returned, if this is supported for that data
/// type and the number of records does not exceed the
/// "maxObjectsInGet" limit.
ids: Option<Vec<Id<'a>>>,
/// If supplied, only the properties listed in the array are returned
/// for each Foo object. If null, all properties of the object are
/// returned. The id property of the object is *always* returned,
/// even if not explicitly requested. If an invalid property is
/// requested, the call MUST be rejected with an "invalidArguments"
/// error.
#[serde_as(as = "Option<Vec<BorrowCow>>")]
properties: Option<Vec<Cow<'a, str>>>,
// TODO: requestTooLarge error variant
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct GetResponse<'a, T> {
/// The id of the account used for the call.
account_id: Id<'a>,
/// A (preferably short) string representing the state on the server
/// for *all* the data of this type in the account (not just the
/// objects returned in this call). If the data changes, this string
/// MUST change. If the Foo data is unchanged, servers SHOULD return
/// the same state string on subsequent requests for this data type.
/// When a client receives a response with a different state string to
/// a previous call, it MUST either throw away all currently cached
/// objects for the type or call "Foo/changes" to get the exact
/// changes.
state: ObjectState<'a>,
/// An array of the Foo objects requested. This is the *empty array*
/// if no objects were found or if the "ids" argument passed in was
/// also an empty array. The results MAY be in a different order to
/// the "ids" in the request arguments. If an identical id is
/// included more than once in the request, the server MUST only
/// include it once in either the "list" or the "notFound" argument of
/// the response.
list: Vec<T>,
/// This array contains the ids passed to the method for records that
/// do not exist. The array is empty if all requested ids were found
/// or if the "ids" argument passed in was either null or an empty
/// array.
id: Vec<Id<'a>>,