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# gitlab-cargo-shim

[Example configuration][example-configuration]

Say goodbye to your Git dependencies, `gitlab-cargo-shim` is a stateless SSH server that serves crates like a standard Cargo registry but from a [GitLab package registry][gitlab-package-registry], allowing you to use your private dependencies like any other dependency. No more `git push --force`s breaking your builds & get proper versioning in one simple little binary.

Access controls work like they do in GitLab, builds are scoped to users - if they don't have permission to the dependency they can't build it, it's that simple.

Users are identified by their SSH keys from GitLab when connecting to the server and an [impersonation token][imp-token] will be generated for that run in order to pull available versions. Builds will insert their token as a username to the SSH server and the shim will use that to call the GitLab API.

To publish run `cargo package` and push the resulting `.crate` file to the GitLab package repository with a semver-compatible version string, to consume the package configure your `.cargo/config.toml` and `Cargo.toml` accordingly.


In your CI build, setup a `before_script` step to replace the connection string with one containing the CI token:


(or add the corresponding [environment variable][envvar])

To release your package from CI, add a new pipeline step:


It's that easy. Go forth and enjoy your newfound quality of life improvements, Rustacean.

[gitlab-package-registry]: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/packages/package_registry/index.html
[imp-token]: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/index.html#impersonation-tokens
[envvar]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/registries.html#using-an-alternate-registry
[example-configuration]: https://github.com/w4/gitlab-cargo-shim/blob/main/config.toml