"""Read details from a speedtest test and print them to the channel."""
from requests import get
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import dave.module
from twisted.words.protocols.irc import assembleFormattedText, attributes as A
@dave.module.ratelimit(2, 2)
def speedtest(bot, args, sender, source):
res = get("http://www.speedtest.net/result/{}".format(args[0]), timeout=3)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, "html.parser")
download = soup.select(".share-speed.share-download p")[0].text
upload = soup.select(".share-speed.share-upload p")[0].text
ping = soup.select(".share-data.share-ping p")[0].text
isp = soup.select(".share-data.share-isp p")[0].text
bot.msg(source, assembleFormattedText(A.normal[
A.bold[str(isp)], ": "
"Download: ", A.bold[str(download)], " ",
"Upload: ", A.bold[str(upload)], " ",
"Ping: ", A.bold[str(ping)]