"""Pass any messages beginning with 'sed' to GNU sed."""
import dave.module
import dave.config
from twisted.words.protocols.irc import assembleFormattedText, attributes as A
import re
@dave.module.help("Syntax: s/find/replace/flags", "sed")
def sed(bot, args, sender, source):
key = "msg:{}:{}".format(source, sender)
for i, msg in enumerate(dave.config.redis.lrange(key, 0, -1)):
flags = list(args[7]) if args[7] else []
f = re.UNICODE
if 'I' in flags or 'i' in flags:
f = f | re.IGNORECASE
replace = re.sub(args[3], "\x02{}\x0F".format(args[5]),
msg, count=0 if 'g' in flags else 1, flags=f)
except Exception as e:
bot.reply(source, sender,
"There was a problem with your sed command: {}".format(str(e)))
if replace.strip() != msg:
msg = replace.strip()
bot.msg(source, "<{}> {}".format(sender, msg))
dave.config.redis.lset(key, i, msg)
def update_cache(bot, args, sender, source):
key = "msg:{}:{}".format(source, sender)
dave.config.redis.lpush(key, args[0])
dave.config.redis.ltrim(key, 0, 2)