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"""Quote system"""
import dave.module
import dave.config
import uuid
import random
from dave.models import Quote
from twisted.words.protocols.irc import assembleFormattedText, attributes as A

@dave.module.help("Syntax: aq [quote] (-- attribute). Add a quote to the quote database.")
@dave.module.command(["aq", "addquote"], "(.*?)(?: (?:--|—) ?(.+?))?$")
def add_quote(bot, args, sender, source):
    generated_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
    quote = Quote(id=generated_uuid, quote=args[0], attributed=args[1], added_by=sender)

    bot.reply(source, sender, assembleFormattedText(
        A.normal["Successfully added quote to database: ", A.bold[args[0]], " by ",
                 (args[1] or sender)]))

    bot.msg(sender, "Added quote to database, you can remove this quote later using dq {}"

@dave.module.help("Syntax: q. Return a random quote.")
@dave.module.command(["q", "quote"])
def quote(bot, args, sender, source):
    query = dave.config.session.query(Quote)

    if not query.count():
        bot.reply(source, sender, "No quotes found.")

    row = query.offset(

    bot.reply(source, sender, assembleFormattedText(A.normal[
        A.bold[row.quote], " by ", (row.attributed or row.added_by)

@dave.module.help("Syntax: fq [search]. Search for a quote in the quote database.")
@dave.module.command(["fq", "findquote"], "(.*)$")
def find_quote(bot, args, sender, source):
    quotes = dave.config.session.query(Quote).filter(
        (Quote.quote.op("~")(args[0])) | (Quote.attributed.op("~")(args[0]))
            | (Quote.added_by.op("~")(args[0]))

    if len(quotes) == 0:
        bot.reply(source, sender, "No results for query.")

    if len(quotes) > 3:
        bot.reply(source, sender, "Your query yielded too many results ({}), here's a " \
                                  "random sample:".format(len(quotes)))
        quotes = random.sample(quotes, 3)

    for quote in quotes:
        bot.reply(source, sender, assembleFormattedText(A.normal[
            A.bold[quote.quote], " by ", (quote.attributed or quote.added_by)

@dave.module.help("Syntax: dq [uuid]. Allow the quote owner to delete a quote.")
@dave.module.command(["dq", "deletequote"], "(.*)$")
def delete_quote(bot, args, sender, source):
    dave.config.session.query(Quote).filter(Quote.id == args[0]).delete()
    bot.reply(source, sender, "Successfully deleted quote.")