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                        <h1 id="user-guide"><a class="header" href="#user-guide">User Guide</a></h1>
<p>Using chartered as a user is actually pretty simple, it's very much like your
standard Cargo registry except with two extra concepts: organisations and
<p>Organisations are very much like the organisations you'll likely have used on
your preferred SCM host, a group of users that have group-level permissions,
in Chartered case the permissions these users may have are:</p>
<h3 id="permissions"><a class="header" href="#permissions">Permissions</a></h3>
<li>Essentially the base-level permission meaning the user belongs to the group,
if the user doesn't have this permission they're not in the group, this
permission at the crate-level means the user can download the crate and see
it in the WebUI.</li>
<li>Gives the ability to publish a new version for crates belonging to the group.</li>
<li>Gives the ability to yank (and unyank) published versions for crates belonging
to the group.</li>
<li>Gives the ability to add (and remove) users from the group, and crates belonging
to the organisation.</li>
<li>Gives the ability to create a new crate under the organisation.</li>
<p>All these permissions, with the exception of <code>CREATE_CRATE</code>, can also be used at the
crate-level for giving extra permissions to org members for a particular crate - or
even users outside of the org. Bare in mind, however, these permissions are <em>additive</em> -
it is not possible for permissions to be <em>subtracted</em> from a user at the crate-level
if they have been granted them by the organisation.</p>
<h3 id="publishing-your-first-crate"><a class="header" href="#publishing-your-first-crate">Publishing your first crate</a></h3>
<p>With all this in mind, it's about time you started publishing your first crate!</p>
<p>Chartered has excellent integration with Cargo's <a href="https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/registries.html">alternative registry</a>
implementation and is used very much like a standard alternative registry. The only
prerequisites for publishing your crate are:</p>
<li>Have an SSH key added to your Chartered account, which you can do via the WebUI</li>
<li>Belong to an organisation you have the <code>PUBLISH_VERSION</code> permission for, anyone can
create a new organisation if you don't already belong to one.</li>
<p>And once you're ready, you can add the organisation's registry to your <code>.cargo/config.toml</code>
like so:</p>
<pre><code class="language-toml">[registries]
my-organisation = { index = &quot;ssh://ssh.chart.rs/my-organisation&quot; }
<p>(You should create this file if it doesn't already exist)</p>
<p>You can now publish the crate using cargo as you normally would, except with the
registry specified:</p>
<pre><code class="language-sh">$ cargo publish --registry my-organisation --token &quot;&quot;
<p>Note: the token is purposefully empty, as the token will be vended by the index based
on your SSH key.</p>
<h3 id="pulling-in-dependencies"><a class="header" href="#pulling-in-dependencies">Pulling in dependencies</a></h3>
<p>Again, not too dissimilar from using <a href="https://crates.io/">crates.io</a>, you can declare your dependencies
as normal with the exception that you need to specify the organisation the crate should
be pulled from provided you've declared the organisation in <code>.cargo/config.toml</code> as shown
in the previous section of this guide.</p>
<pre><code class="language-toml">[dependencies]
my-other-crate = { version = &quot;0.1&quot;, registry = &quot;my-organisation&quot; }
<p>Your other Cargo dependencies from <a href="https://crates.io/">crates.io</a> can be declared as normal alongside
organisation dependencies.</p>


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