<script type="typescript">
import { request } from '../../../stores/auth';
import Spinner from '../../../components/Spinner.svelte';
import ErrorAlert from '../../../components/ErrorAlert.svelte';
import SingleSshKey from './SingleSshKey.svelte';
import type { SshKeys, SshKey } from '../../../types/ssh_keys';
import CreateKeyForm from './CreateKeyForm.svelte';
import DeleteSshKeyModal from './DeleteSshKeyModal.svelte';
let deleting: SshKey | null = null;
let sshKeysPromise = fetchSshKeys();
* Fetches the current user's SSH keys from the backend
function fetchSshKeys(): Promise<SshKeys> {
return request<SshKeys>('/web/v1/ssh-key');
* Reloads the user's SSH keys from the backend, this will cause a spinner while they
* are reloaded
function reloadSshKeys() {
sshKeysPromise = fetchSshKeys();
<div class="container flex items-center mx-auto">
<div class="p-10 mb-3">
<h1 class="text-5xl font-bold tracking-tight">
Manage your <span class="text-highlight">SSH Keys</span>.
<h2>SSH keys are how Chartered identifies your account when called via Cargo.</h2>
<a href="https://book.chart.rs/" target="_blank" class="block btn-blue-outline"> Learn More </a>
<main class="container mx-auto p-10 pt-0">
{#await sshKeysPromise}
<div class="relative h-4">
<Spinner />
{:then sshKeys}
<div class:hidden={sshKeys.keys.length === 0} class="card mb-4 p-2">
<div class="overflow-scroll">
<div class="w-fit min-w-full">
{#each sshKeys.keys as sshKey, i}
{#if i > 0}<hr class="card-hr" />{/if}
<SingleSshKey {sshKey} on:delete={() => (deleting = sshKey)} />
<CreateKeyForm on:complete={reloadSshKeys} />
{:catch e}
<ErrorAlert showClose={false}>{e}</ErrorAlert>
{#if deleting}
<DeleteSshKeyModal {deleting} on:complete={reloadSshKeys} on:close={() => (deleting = null)} />