<script type="typescript">
import Icon from '../../components/Icon.svelte';
import rustLogo from '../../img/rust.svg';
import { request } from '../../stores/auth';
import RelativeTime from '../../components/RelativeTime.svelte';
import type { MostDownloaded, RecentlyCreated, RecentlyUpdated } from '../../types/featured_crate';
import FeaturedCrate from '../../components/FeaturedCrate.svelte';
import ErrorAlert from '../../components/ErrorAlert.svelte';
const mostDownloadedPromise = request<MostDownloaded>('/web/v1/crates/most-downloaded');
const recentlyCreatedPromise = request<RecentlyCreated>('/web/v1/crates/recently-created');
const recentlyUpdatedPromise = request<RecentlyUpdated>('/web/v1/crates/recently-updated');
<div class="container flex items-center mx-auto flex-col md:flex-row">
<div class="p-10 pt-0 md:pt-10">
<h1 class="text-5xl font-bold tracking-tight">
Welcome to <span class="text-highlight">Chartered</span>.
A private, authenticated Cargo registry. Everything published to this registry is private and visible
only to you, until explicit permissions are granted to others.
<a href="https://book.chart.rs/" target="_blank" class="block btn-blue-outline"> Learn More </a>
<div class="pr-6 order-first md:order-last pt-10 md:pt-0">
<img alt="Rust logo" class="w-[8rem]" src={rustLogo} />️️
<main class="container mx-auto p-10 pt-0">
<div class="block md:grid grid-cols-3 gap-9">
<h3 class="text-3xl mb-2">Newly created</h3>
{#await recentlyCreatedPromise}
{#each [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] as _}
<FeaturedCrate crate={null}>
<div class="my-0.5 flex items-center space-x-1">
<Icon name="calendar" />
<div class="skeleton w-16" />
{:then recentlyCreated}
{#each recentlyCreated.crates as crate}
<FeaturedCrate {crate}>
<Icon name="calendar" />
<RelativeTime time={crate.created_at} />
{:catch e}
<ErrorAlert showClose={false}>{e}</ErrorAlert>
<h3 class="text-3xl mb-2">Recently updated</h3>
{#await recentlyUpdatedPromise}
{#each [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] as _}
<FeaturedCrate crate={null}>
<div class="skeleton w-9 my-1" />
{:then recentlyUpdated}
{#each recentlyUpdated.versions as crate}
<FeaturedCrate {crate}>
{:catch e}
<ErrorAlert showClose={false}>{e}</ErrorAlert>
<h3 class="text-3xl mb-2">Most downloaded</h3>
{#await mostDownloadedPromise}
{#each [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] as _}
<FeaturedCrate crate={null}>
<div class="my-0.5 flex items-center space-x-1">
<Icon name="download" />
<div class="skeleton w-8" />
{:then mostDownloaded}
{#each mostDownloaded.crates as crate}
<FeaturedCrate {crate}>
<Icon name="download" />
{:catch e}
<ErrorAlert showClose={false}>{e}</ErrorAlert>