# Configuration Reference
An exhaustive list of all configuration values in chartered.
Configuration files are written in the TOML format, with simple key-value pairs inside of sections (tables). The following
is a quick overview of all settings, with detailed descriptions found below
## chartered-git
### Configuration format
bind_address = ""
database_uri = "postgres://user:password@localhost/chartered" # can also be `sqlite://`
web_base_uri = "http://localhost:8888/"
name = "Chartered"
email = "noreply@chart.rs"
message = "Updated crates!"
### Configuration keys
#### `bind_address`
- Type: string
The IP address and port the web server should be bound to.
#### `database_uri`
- Type: string
A connection string for the backing database, either `postgres` or `sqlite`, either in the
format of `postgres://user:password@localhost/chartered` (a [postgres connection URI][pg-uri]),
`sqlite:///path/to/chartered.db` or `sqlite://:memory:`.
[pg-uri]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-CONNSTRING
#### `web_base_uri`
- Type: string
The path at which the Chartered API (`chartered-web`) is running. This should _always_ be HTTPS when
running in production.
#### `committer`
The `committer` table defines the author of the commit that's sent to the
##### `name`
- Type: string
- Default: `chartered`
The name of the committer for any commits being created by `chartered-git`.
##### `email`
- Type: string
- Default: `noreply@chart.rs`
The email address to list for the author of the commit pushed to the user
##### `message`
- Type: string
- Default: `Update crates`
The commit message to use for any commits sent out.
## chartered-web
### Configuration format
bind_address = ""
database_uri = "postgres://user:password@localhost/chartered" # can also be `sqlite://`
storage_uri = "s3://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/my-cool-crate-store/" # or file:///var/lib/chartered
frontend_base_uri = "http://localhost:1234/"
enabled = true # enables password auth
[auth.<provider>] # openid connect provider
enabled = true
discovery_uri = "https://gitlab.com/"
client_id = "[client-id]"
client_secret = "[client-secret]"
### Configuration keys
#### `bind_address`
- Type: string
The IP address and port the web server should be bound to.
#### `database_uri`
- Type: string
A connection string for the backing database, either `postgres` or `sqlite`, either in the
format of `postgres://user:password@localhost/chartered` (a [postgres connection URI][pg-uri]),
`sqlite:///path/to/chartered.db` or `sqlite://:memory:`.
[pg-uri]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-CONNSTRING
#### `storage_uri`
- Type: string
A URI in which crates should be stored, this can either be an `s3://` connection URI, or a local file path using
#### `frontend_base_uri`
- Type: `string`
The base URL at which the frontend is being hosted.
#### `[auth.password]`
The `[auth.password]` table controls the username/password-based authentication method.
##### `enable`
- Type: bool
- Default: false
Enables username/password-based authentication and registration.
#### `[auth.<provider>]`
`[auth.<provider>]` tables represent an OpenID Connect provider that can be used to
login and register to the chartered instance. `<provider>` should not be changed once
set as the value is stored in the database along with users.
##### `enabled`
- Type: bool
Enables the authentication provider, if this is disabled users will not be able to login
nor register using the provider.
##### `discovery_uri`
- Type: bool
The OIDC Discovery URI that can be used to grab configuration for the provider, not including
##### `client_id`
- Type: string
The Client ID given by the provider to identify the service.
##### `client_secret`
- Type: string
The client secret given by the provider to authenticate the service.