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package wf.doyle.blockbuster.item;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;

import wf.doyle.blockbuster.App;
import wf.doyle.blockbuster.file.FileReader;
import wf.doyle.blockbuster.util.EnumLineType;

 * Provides a base class for all items to extend.
 * @author Jordan Doyle
public abstract class LibraryItem {
	 * Checks if the item currently on loan.
	private boolean onLoan = false;

	 * Amount of times the item has been taken.
	private int timesBorrowed = 0;

	 * URN of the item, as specified by the providing data file.
	private String itemCode;

	 * Cost of the item, as specified by the providing data file.
	private int cost;

	 * Name of the library item
	private String title;

	 * Gets the unique reference number of the item.
	 * @return URN of item
	public String getItemCode()
		return this.itemCode;

	 * Gets the storage class type for this class.
	 * @return type of storage class
	public abstract EnumLineType getType();

	 * Gets the name of the item provided by the data file.
	 * @return name of item
	public String getName()
		return this.title;

	 * Gets the cost of the item.
	 * @return cost of the item in pounds
	public String getCost()
		return new DecimalFormat("'£'0.00").format((float)this.cost / 100);

	 * Checks if the item is currently being loaned
	 * @return true if the item is loaned out
	public boolean getLoan()
		return this.onLoan;

	 * Checks how many times this item has been borrowed from the library.
	 * Increments every time {@link #takeItem()} is called.
	 * @return amount of times item has been borrowed
	public int getTimesBorrowed()
		return this.timesBorrowed;

	 * Takes the item from the library and increments the taken counter by 1.
	public void takeItem()
		if(this.getLoan()) return;

		this.onLoan = true;

	 * Returns the item back to the library and let it be available again.
	public void returnItem()
		if(!this.getLoan()) return;

		this.onLoan = false;

	public String toString()
		String[] contains = FileReader.containing.get(this.getClass().getName());

		String string = "";

		for(String key : contains)
			Class<? extends LibraryItem> child = FileReader.classes.get(this.getType());

			Field f = FileReader.getField(key.trim(), child);
				string = string + f.get(this) + ", ";
			catch(IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e)
				App.LOGGER.error("Could not get value of reflection field", e);

		return string.substring(0, string.lastIndexOf(","));

	 * Toggles between taking the item and putting it back.
	 * @return true if we now have the item
	public boolean toggleItem()
		if(this.getLoan()) {
			return false;
		} else {
			return true;