{% set maxRecursion = 501 %}
locals {
input = file("input")
inputParts = split("\n\n", local.input)
blocks = split("\n", local.inputParts[0])
parsedBlocks = [for s in [for s in slice(local.blocks, 0, length(local.blocks) - 1) : split("", s)] : [for j in range(1, length(s), 4) : s[j]]]
stackedBlocks = [for i in range(length(local.parsedBlocks[0])) : [for j in range(length(local.parsedBlocks)) : local.parsedBlocks[j][i] if local.parsedBlocks[j][i] != " "]]
instructions = split("\n", replace(replace(replace(local.inputParts[1], "move ", ""), " from ", ","), " to ", ","))
output = {
"part1" = join("", [for v in module.executor-{{ maxRecursion - 1 }}.finalBlocks : v[0]]),
"part2" = join("", [for v in module.executor-non-reversed-{{ maxRecursion - 1 }}.finalBlocks : v[0]])
# you'll have to forgive me for this blasphemy. hashicorp did everything in their power
# to prevent any forms of recursion, and i can't be bothered copy and pasting this block
# 1000 times.
{% for i in range(maxRecursion) %}
module "executor-{{ i }}" {
source = "./executor"
{% if i == 0 %}
stackedBlocks = local.stackedBlocks
instructions = local.instructions
{% else %}
stackedBlocks = module.executor-{{ i - 1 }}.finalBlocks
instructions = module.executor-{{ i - 1 }}.remainingInstructions
{% endif %}
reverse = true
module "executor-non-reversed-{{ i }}" {
source = "./executor"
{% if i == 0 %}
stackedBlocks = local.stackedBlocks
instructions = local.instructions
{% else %}
stackedBlocks = module.executor-non-reversed-{{ i - 1 }}.finalBlocks
instructions = module.executor-non-reversed-{{ i - 1 }}.remainingInstructions
{% endif %}
reverse = false
{% endfor %}
resource "local_file" "out" {
filename = var.outpath
content = jsonencode(local.output)
variable "outpath" {}