pub mod response; use std::{borrow::Cow, collections::HashMap}; use actix::{ Actor, Addr, AsyncContext, Context, Handler, MessageResult, ResponseFuture, Supervised, Supervisor, }; use actix_rt::Arbiter; use clap::crate_version; use futures::{stream::FuturesOrdered, TryFutureExt}; use irc_proto::{Command, Message, Prefix, Response}; use rand::seq::SliceRandom; use tokio_stream::StreamExt; use tracing::{debug, instrument, warn, Span}; use crate::{ channel::{permissions::Permission, Channel, ChannelId}, client::Client, config::Config, connection::InitiatedConnection, messages::{ Broadcast, ChannelFetchTopic, ChannelJoin, ChannelList, ChannelMemberList, FetchClientByNick, MessageKind, PrivateMessage, ServerDisconnect, ServerFetchMotd, UserConnected, UserNickChange, UserNickChangeInternal, }, persistence::Persistence, server::response::Motd, SERVER_NAME, }; /// The root actor for arbitration between clients and channels. pub struct Server { pub channel_arbiters: Vec, pub channels: HashMap>, pub clients: HashMap, InitiatedConnection>, pub config: Config, pub persistence: Addr, } impl Supervised for Server {} /// Received when an admin SANICKs another user. impl Handler for Server { type Result = (); fn handle(&mut self, msg: UserNickChangeInternal, _ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { let client = self.clients.iter().find(|(_k, v)| v.nick == msg.old_nick); let Some((client, _)) = client else { warn!(%msg.old_nick, %msg.new_nick, "User attempted to update nick for unknown user"); return; }; debug!(%msg.old_nick, %msg.new_nick, "User is updating nick for another user"); client.do_send(msg); } } /// Received when a user connects to the server, and sends them the server preamble impl Handler for Server { type Result = (); #[instrument(parent = &msg.span, skip_all)] fn handle(&mut self, msg: UserConnected, _ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { let nick = msg.connection.to_nick(); // send a welcome to the user let responses = [ ( Response::RPL_WELCOME, vec![Cow::Owned(format!("Welcome to the network {nick}",))], ), ( Response::RPL_YOURHOST, vec![format!( "Your host is {SERVER_NAME}, running version {}", crate_version!() ) .into()], ), ( Response::RPL_CREATED, vec!["This server was created at some point".into()], ), ( Response::RPL_MYINFO, vec![ SERVER_NAME.into(), crate_version!().into(), "DOQRSZaghilopsuwz".into(), "CFILMPQSbcefgijklmnopqrstuvz".into(), "bkloveqjfI".into(), ], ), ( Response::RPL_ISUPPORT, vec![ format!("PREFIX={}", Permission::SUPPORTED_PREFIXES).into(), "are supported by this server".into(), ], ), ]; for (response, arguments) in responses { let arguments = std::iter::once(msg.connection.nick.clone()) .chain(arguments.into_iter().map(Cow::into_owned)) .collect(); msg.handle.do_send(Broadcast { span: Span::current(), message: Message { tags: None, prefix: Some(Prefix::ServerName(SERVER_NAME.to_string())), command: Command::Response(response, arguments), }, }); } for message in Motd::new(self).into_messages(msg.connection.nick.clone()) { msg.handle.do_send(Broadcast { span: Span::current(), message, }); } self.clients.insert(msg.handle, msg.connection); } } /// Returns the MOTD when requested. impl Handler for Server { type Result = MessageResult; #[instrument(parent = &msg.span, skip_all)] fn handle(&mut self, msg: ServerFetchMotd, _ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { MessageResult(Motd::new(self)) } } /// Received when a client disconnects from the server impl Handler for Server { type Result = (); #[instrument(parent = &msg.span, skip_all)] fn handle(&mut self, msg: ServerDisconnect, _ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { self.clients.remove(&msg.client); } } /// Received when a client is attempting to join a channel, and forwards it onto the requested /// channel for it to handle -- creating it if it doesn't already exist. impl Handler for Server { type Result = ResponseFuture<::Result>; #[instrument(parent = &msg.span, skip_all)] fn handle(&mut self, msg: ChannelJoin, ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { let channel = self .channels .entry(msg.channel_name.clone()) .or_insert_with(|| { let arbiter = self .channel_arbiters .choose(&mut rand::thread_rng()) .map_or_else(Arbiter::current, Arbiter::handle); let channel_name = msg.channel_name.clone(); let server = ctx.address(); let persistence = self.persistence.clone(); Supervisor::start_in_arbiter(&arbiter, move |_ctx| Channel { name: channel_name, permissions: HashMap::new(), clients: HashMap::new(), topic: None, server, persistence, channel_id: ChannelId(0), }) }) .clone(); Box::pin( channel .send(msg) .map_err(anyhow::Error::new) .and_then(futures::future::ready), ) } } /// Received when a client changes their nick and forwards it on to all other users connected to /// the server. impl Handler for Server { type Result = (); #[instrument(parent = &msg.span, skip_all)] fn handle(&mut self, msg: UserNickChange, _ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { // inform all clients of the nick change for client in self.clients.keys() { client.do_send(msg.clone()); } if let Some(client) = self.clients.get_mut(&msg.client) { *client = msg.connection; client.nick = msg.new_nick; } } } /// Fetches a client's handle by their nick impl Handler for Server { type Result = MessageResult; fn handle(&mut self, msg: FetchClientByNick, _ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { MessageResult( // TODO: need O(1) lookup here self.clients .iter() .find(|(_handle, connection)| connection.nick == msg.nick) .map(|v| v.0.clone()), ) } } impl Handler for Server { type Result = ResponseFuture<::Result>; #[instrument(parent = &msg.span, skip_all)] fn handle(&mut self, msg: ChannelList, _ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { let fut = self .channels .values() .map(|channel| { let fetch_topic = channel.send(ChannelFetchTopic { span: Span::current(), }); let fetch_members = channel.send(ChannelMemberList { span: Span::current(), }); futures::future::try_join(fetch_topic, fetch_members) }) .collect::>() .map(|res| { let (topic, members) = res.unwrap(); response::ChannelListItem { channel_name: topic.channel_name, client_count: members.nick_list.len(), topic:|v| v.topic), } }) .fold(response::ChannelList::default(), |mut acc, v| { acc.members.push(v); acc }); Box::pin(fut) } } impl Handler for Server { type Result = (); #[instrument(parent = &msg.span, skip_all)] fn handle(&mut self, msg: PrivateMessage, _ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { let Some(source) = self.clients.get(&msg.from) else { // user is not yet registered with the server return; }; let mut seen_by_user = false; // TODO: O(1) lookup of users by id for (target, target_conn) in self.clients.iter().filter(|(handle, connection)| { connection.user_id == msg.destination && msg.from != **handle }) { target.do_send(Broadcast { message: Message { tags: None, prefix: Some(source.to_nick()), command: match msg.kind { MessageKind::Normal => { Command::PRIVMSG(target_conn.nick.clone(), msg.message.clone()) } MessageKind::Notice => { Command::NOTICE(target_conn.nick.clone(), msg.message.clone()) } }, }, span: msg.span.clone(), }); seen_by_user = true; } if !seen_by_user { self.persistence .do_send(crate::persistence::events::PrivateMessage { sender: source.to_nick().to_string(), receiver: msg.destination, message: msg.message, kind: msg.kind, }); } } } impl Actor for Server { type Context = Context; }