use std::{convert::identity, str::FromStr, time::Duration}; use irc_proto::{Command, Message, Prefix, Response}; use thiserror::Error; use crate::{host_mask::HostMask, server::response::IntoProtocol, SERVER_NAME}; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum LocalCommand { ListGline, /// Unbans a hostmask RemoveGline(HostMask<'static>), /// Bans a hostmask from the network for the given duration with the given message Gline(HostMask<'static>, Option, Option), } impl TryFrom<(String, Vec)> for LocalCommand { type Error = Error; fn try_from((command, args): (String, Vec)) -> Result { match command.as_str() { "GLINE" if args.is_empty() => Ok(Self::ListGline), "GLINE" if args.len() == 1 && args[0].starts_with('-') => parse1( Self::RemoveGline, args, required(truncate_first_character(parse_host_mask)), ), "GLINE" => parse3( Self::Gline, args, required(parse_host_mask), opt(parse_duration), opt(wrap_ok(identity)), ), _ => Err(Error::UnknownCommand), } } } #[derive(Debug, Error)] pub enum Error { #[error("unknown command")] UnknownCommand, #[error("missing argument")] MissingArgument, #[error("invalid duration: {0}")] InvalidDuration(humantime::DurationError), #[error("invalid host mask: {0}")] InvalidHostMask(std::io::Error), #[error("too many arguments")] TooManyArguments, } impl IntoProtocol for Error { fn into_messages(self, for_user: &str) -> Vec { vec![Message { tags: None, prefix: Some(Prefix::ServerName(SERVER_NAME.to_string())), command: Command::Response( Response::ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND, vec![ for_user.to_string(), "command".to_string(), // TODO "Unknown command".to_string(), ], ), }] } } fn opt( transform: impl FnOnce(String) -> Result, ) -> impl FnOnce(Option) -> Result, Error> { move |v| } fn required( transform: impl FnOnce(String) -> Result, ) -> impl FnOnce(Option) -> Result { move |v| v.ok_or(Error::MissingArgument).and_then(transform) } /// Truncates the first character from the first argument and calls the inner transform function. fn truncate_first_character( transform: fn(String) -> Result, ) -> impl Fn(String) -> Result { move |mut v| { v.remove(0); (transform)(v) } } /// Parses a host mask argument #[allow(clippy::needless_pass_by_value)] fn parse_host_mask(v: String) -> Result, Error> { HostMask::from_str(&v).map_err(Error::InvalidHostMask) } /// Parses a humantime duration #[allow(clippy::needless_pass_by_value)] fn parse_duration(v: String) -> Result { humantime::parse_duration(&v).map_err(Error::InvalidDuration) } /// Takes a string argument as-is fn wrap_ok(transform: fn(String) -> T) -> impl Fn(String) -> Result { move |v| Ok((transform)(v)) } /// Parses a single argument from `args`, transforming it using `t1` /// and returns a `LocalCommand`. fn parse1( out: fn(T1) -> LocalCommand, args: Vec, t1: impl FnOnce(Option) -> Result, ) -> Result { if args.len() > 1 { return Err(Error::TooManyArguments); } let mut i = args.into_iter(); Ok((out)(t1( } /// Parses three arguments from `args`, transforming them using `t1`, `t2` and `t3` /// and returns a `LocalCommand`. fn parse3( out: fn(T1, T2, T3) -> LocalCommand, args: Vec, t1: impl FnOnce(Option) -> Result, t2: impl FnOnce(Option) -> Result, t3: impl FnOnce(Option) -> Result, ) -> Result { if args.len() > 3 { return Err(Error::TooManyArguments); } let mut i = args.into_iter(); Ok((out)(t1(, t2(, t3( } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use std::time::Duration; use crate::proto::{Error, LocalCommand}; #[test] fn remove_gline() { let command = LocalCommand::try_from(("GLINE".to_string(), vec!["-aaa!bbb@ccc".to_string()])) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( command, LocalCommand::RemoveGline("aaa!bbb@ccc".try_into().unwrap()) ); } #[test] fn gline() { let command = LocalCommand::try_from(( "GLINE".to_string(), vec![ "aaa!bbb@ccc".to_string(), "1d".to_string(), "comment".to_string(), ], )) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( command, LocalCommand::Gline( "aaa!bbb@ccc".try_into().unwrap(), Some(Duration::from_secs(86_400)), Some("comment".to_string()) ) ); } #[test] fn too_many_arguments() { let command = LocalCommand::try_from(( "GLINE".to_string(), vec![ "aaa!bbb@ccc".to_string(), "1d".to_string(), "comment".to_string(), "toomany".to_string(), ], )); assert!( matches!(command, Err(Error::TooManyArguments)), "{command:?}" ); } }