use std::{ borrow::Cow, collections::HashMap, fmt::{Display, Formatter}, io::{Error, ErrorKind}, iter::once, str::FromStr, }; use itertools::Either; use sqlx::{ database::{HasArguments, HasValueRef}, encode::IsNull, error::BoxDynError, Database, Decode, Encode, Type, }; /// A map of `HostMask`s to `T`, implemented as a prefix trie with three /// sections with support for wildcards. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct HostMaskMap { children: HashMap>, matcher: Matcher, } impl HostMaskMap { /// Instantiates a new `HostMaskMap` with a top level capacity of 0. #[must_use] pub fn new() -> Self { Self { children: HashMap::new(), matcher: Matcher::Nick, } } pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.iter_inner(String::new(), self.matcher) } fn iter_inner(&self, s: String, last_seen: Matcher) -> impl Iterator { self.children .iter() .flat_map(move |(k, v)| { let (k, next_matcher) = match k { Key::Wildcard => ( format!("{s}*{}", last_seen.splitter()),, ), Key::EndOfString => ( format!("{s}{}", last_seen.splitter()),, ), Key::Char(c) => (format!("{s}{c}"), last_seen), }; match v { Node::Match(v) => Either::Left(once((k, v))), Node::Inner(v) => Either::Right(v.iter_inner(k, next_matcher)), } }) // TODO .collect::>() .into_iter() } #[must_use] pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.children.is_empty() } /// Inserts a new mask into the tree with the given `value`. This function operates /// in `O(m)` average time complexity pub fn insert(&mut self, mask: &HostMask<'_>, value: T) { let mut next_mask = mask.as_borrowed(); let key = match self.matcher { Matcher::Nick => take_next_char(&mask.nick, &mut next_mask.nick), Matcher::Username => take_next_char(&mask.username, &mut next_mask.username), Matcher::Host => take_next_char(&, &mut, }; let key = match key { Some('*') => Key::Wildcard, Some(c) => Key::Char(c), None => Key::EndOfString, }; if key.is_end() && { self.children.insert(key, Node::Match(value)); } else { let node = self.children.entry(key).or_insert_with(|| { Node::Inner(Self { children: HashMap::new(), matcher: if key.is_end() {"guarded by if") } else { self.matcher }, }) }); match node { Node::Match(_) => unreachable!("stored hostmask has less parts than a!b@c"), Node::Inner(map) => map.insert(&next_mask, value), }; } } pub fn remove(&mut self, mask: &HostMask<'_>) -> bool { let mut next_mask = mask.as_borrowed(); let key = match self.matcher { Matcher::Nick => take_next_char(&mask.nick, &mut next_mask.nick), Matcher::Username => take_next_char(&mask.username, &mut next_mask.username), Matcher::Host => take_next_char(&, &mut, }; let key = match key { Some('*') => Key::Wildcard, Some(c) => Key::Char(c), None => Key::EndOfString, }; if key.is_end() && { self.children.remove(&key).is_some() } else { let Some(node) = self.children.get_mut(&key) else { return false; }; match node { Node::Match(_) => unreachable!("stored hostmask has less parts than a!b@c"), Node::Inner(map) => map.remove(&next_mask), } } } /// Fetches all the matches within the trie that match the input. This function returns /// any exact matches as well as any wildcard matches. This function operates in `O(m)` /// average time complexity. #[must_use] pub fn get(&self, mask: &HostMask<'_>) -> Vec<&T> { self.get_inner(mask, Vec::new()) } fn get_inner<'a>(&'a self, mask: &HostMask<'_>, mut out: Vec<&'a T>) -> Vec<&'a T> { let mut next_mask = mask.as_borrowed(); let key = match self.matcher { Matcher::Nick => take_next_char(&mask.nick, &mut next_mask.nick), Matcher::Username => take_next_char(&mask.username, &mut next_mask.username), Matcher::Host => take_next_char(&, &mut, }; if let Some(next) = self.children.get(&key.map_or(Key::EndOfString, Key::Char)) { out = traverse(out, next, &next_mask); } if let Some(wildcard) = self.children.get(&Key::Wildcard) { out = traverse(out, wildcard, &next_mask); } out } } impl<'a, T> FromIterator<(HostMask<'a>, T)> for HostMaskMap { fn from_iter, T)>>(iter: I) -> Self { let mut out = Self::new(); for (k, v) in iter { out.insert(&k, v); } out } } impl Default for HostMaskMap { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } /// Traverses the trie, appending any matches into `out` before returning. fn traverse<'a, T>(mut out: Vec<&'a T>, node: &'a Node, mask: &HostMask<'_>) -> Vec<&'a T> { match node { Node::Match(v) => { out.push(v); } Node::Inner(child) => { out = child.get_inner(mask, out); } } out } /// Takes a single character from `v` and updates `next` to the remaining input. fn take_next_char<'a>(v: &'a str, next: &mut Cow<'a, str>) -> Option { let mut chars = v.chars(); let c =; *next = Cow::Borrowed(chars.as_str()); c } #[derive(Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Copy, Clone)] enum Key { Wildcard, EndOfString, Char(char), } impl Key { const fn is_end(self) -> bool { !matches!(self, Self::Char(_)) } } #[derive(Debug)] enum Node { Match(T), Inner(HostMaskMap), } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] enum Matcher { Nick, Username, Host, } impl Matcher { const fn next(self) -> Option { match self { Self::Nick => Some(Self::Username), Self::Username => Some(Self::Host), Self::Host => None, } } const fn splitter(self) -> &'static str { match self { Self::Nick => "!", Self::Username => "@", Self::Host => "", } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct HostMask<'a> { nick: Cow<'a, str>, username: Cow<'a, str>, host: Cow<'a, str>, } impl<'a> HostMask<'a> { #[must_use] pub const fn new(nick: &'a str, username: &'a str, host: &'a str) -> Self { Self { nick: Cow::Borrowed(nick), username: Cow::Borrowed(username), host: Cow::Borrowed(host), } } #[must_use] pub fn as_borrowed(&'a self) -> Self { Self { nick: Cow::Borrowed(self.nick.as_ref()), username: Cow::Borrowed(self.username.as_ref()), host: Cow::Borrowed(, } } #[must_use] pub fn into_owned(self) -> HostMask<'static> { HostMask { nick: Cow::Owned(self.nick.into_owned()), username: Cow::Owned(self.username.into_owned()), host: Cow::Owned(, } } } impl Display for HostMask<'_> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}!{}@{}", self.nick, self.username, } } impl<'a, DB> Type for HostMask<'a> where String: Type, DB: Database, { fn type_info() -> DB::TypeInfo { String::type_info() } fn compatible(ty: &DB::TypeInfo) -> bool { String::compatible(ty) } } impl<'a, 'q, DB> Encode<'q, DB> for HostMask<'a> where String: Encode<'q, DB>, DB: Database, { fn encode_by_ref(&self, buf: &mut >::ArgumentBuffer) -> IsNull { self.to_string().encode(buf) } } impl<'r, DB> Decode<'r, DB> for HostMask<'static> where &'r str: Decode<'r, DB>, DB: Database, { fn decode(value: >::ValueRef) -> Result { Ok(<&'r str as Decode<'r, DB>>::decode(value)?.parse()?) } } impl FromStr for HostMask<'static> { type Err = Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { HostMask::try_from(s).map(HostMask::into_owned) } } impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a str> for HostMask<'a> { type Error = Error; fn try_from(rest: &'a str) -> Result { let (nick, rest) = rest.split_once('!').unwrap_or((rest, "")); let (username, host) = rest.split_once('@').unwrap_or(("*", "*")); let is_invalid = |v: &str| { (v.contains('*') && !v.ends_with('*')) || v.chars().filter(|&c| c == '*').count() > 1 || v.is_empty() }; if is_invalid(nick) { return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "invalid nick")); } else if is_invalid(username) { return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "invalid username")); } else if is_invalid(host) { return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "invalid hostname")); } Ok(Self { nick: Cow::Borrowed(nick), username: Cow::Borrowed(username), host: Cow::Borrowed(host), }) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use crate::host_mask::{HostMask, HostMaskMap}; #[test] fn from_iter() { let map = [ ("aaa*!bbb@cccc".try_into().unwrap(), 10), ("aaab!ccc@dddd".try_into().unwrap(), 10), ] .into_iter() .collect::>(); let retrieved = map.get(&"aaaa!bbb@cccc".try_into().unwrap()); assert_eq!(retrieved.len(), 1); assert_eq!(*retrieved[0], 10); let retrieved = map.get(&"aaab!ccc@dddd".try_into().unwrap()); assert_eq!(retrieved.len(), 1); assert_eq!(*retrieved[0], 10); } #[test] fn iter() { let mut map = HostMaskMap::new(); map.insert(&"aaaa!*@*".try_into().unwrap(), 30); map.insert(&"bbbb!a@b".try_into().unwrap(), 40); let retrieved = map.iter().collect::>(); assert_eq!(retrieved.len(), 2); assert!(retrieved.contains(&("aaaa!*@*".to_string(), &30))); assert!(retrieved.contains(&("bbbb!a@b".to_string(), &40))); } #[test] fn wildcard_middle_of_string_unsupported() { assert!(HostMask::try_from("aa*a!bbbb@cccc").is_err()); } #[test] fn multiple_wildcards_unsupported() { assert!(HostMask::try_from("a**!bbb@cccc").is_err()); } #[test] fn empty_key_unsupported() { assert!(HostMask::try_from("a!@cccc").is_err()); } #[test] fn test_insert_and_get_no_wildcard() { let mut map = HostMaskMap::new(); map.insert(&"aaaa!bbbb@cccc".try_into().unwrap(), 10); let retrieved = map.get(&"aaaa!bbbb@cccc".try_into().unwrap()); assert_eq!(retrieved.len(), 1); assert_eq!(*retrieved[0], 10); } #[test] fn test_insert_with_wildcard_and_get_exact() { let mut map = HostMaskMap::new(); map.insert(&"aaaa!*@*".try_into().unwrap(), 20); let retrieved = map.get(&"aaaa!bbbb@cccc".try_into().unwrap()); assert_eq!(retrieved.len(), 1); assert_eq!(*retrieved[0], 20); } #[test] fn test_insert_with_wildcard_and_get_wildcard() { let mut map = HostMaskMap::new(); map.insert(&"aaaa!*@*".try_into().unwrap(), 30); let retrieved = map.get(&"aaaa!*@*".try_into().unwrap()); assert_eq!(retrieved.len(), 1); assert_eq!(*retrieved[0], 30); } #[test] fn test_insert_multiple_and_get_one() { let mut map = HostMaskMap::new(); map.insert(&"aaaa!bbbb@cccc".try_into().unwrap(), 40); map.insert(&"xxxx!yyyy@zzzz".try_into().unwrap(), 50); let retrieved = map.get(&"aaaa!bbbb@cccc".try_into().unwrap()); assert_eq!(retrieved.len(), 1); assert_eq!(*retrieved[0], 40); } #[test] fn test_insert_and_get_multiple_matches() { let mut map = HostMaskMap::new(); map.insert(&"aaaa!*@*".try_into().unwrap(), 60); map.insert(&"*!bbbb@cccc".try_into().unwrap(), 70); let retrieved = map.get(&"aaaa!bbbb@cccc".try_into().unwrap()); assert_eq!(retrieved.len(), 2); assert!(retrieved.contains(&&60)); assert!(retrieved.contains(&&70)); } #[test] fn test_get_no_match() { let mut map = HostMaskMap::new(); map.insert(&"aaaa!bbbb@cccc".try_into().unwrap(), 80); let retrieved = map.get(&"xxxx!yyyy@zzzz".try_into().unwrap()); assert_eq!(retrieved.len(), 0); } #[test] fn test_insert_with_partial_wildcard_and_get_exact() { let mut map = HostMaskMap::new(); map.insert(&"aaaa*!bbbb@cccc".try_into().unwrap(), 100); let retrieved = map.get(&"aaaa1234!bbbb@cccc".try_into().unwrap()); assert_eq!(retrieved.len(), 1); assert_eq!(*retrieved[0], 100); } #[test] fn test_insert_with_partial_wildcard_and_no_match() { let mut map = HostMaskMap::new(); map.insert(&"aaaa*!bbbb@cccc".try_into().unwrap(), 110); let retrieved = map.get(&"aaab!bbbb@cccc".try_into().unwrap()); assert_eq!(retrieved.len(), 0); } #[test] fn test_insert_multiple_partial_wildcards_and_get_one() { let mut map = HostMaskMap::new(); map.insert(&"aaaa*!bbbb@cccc".try_into().unwrap(), 120); map.insert(&"xxxx*!yyyy@zzzz".try_into().unwrap(), 130); let retrieved = map.get(&"aaaa123!bbbb@cccc".try_into().unwrap()); assert_eq!(retrieved.len(), 1); assert_eq!(*retrieved[0], 120); } #[test] fn test_insert_with_multiple_wildcard_styles_and_get_match() { let mut map = HostMaskMap::new(); map.insert(&"aaaa*!bbbb@cccc".try_into().unwrap(), 140); map.insert(&"xxxx!*@*".try_into().unwrap(), 150); let retrieved = map.get(&"aaaa123!bbbb@cccc".try_into().unwrap()); assert_eq!(retrieved.len(), 1); assert_eq!(*retrieved[0], 140); let retrieved2 = map.get(&"xxxx!testyyyy@zzzz".try_into().unwrap()); assert_eq!(retrieved2.len(), 1); assert_eq!(*retrieved2[0], 150); } #[test] fn test_insert_with_partial_wildcard_and_get_multiple_matches() { let mut map = HostMaskMap::new(); map.insert(&"aaaa*!bbbb@cccc".try_into().unwrap(), 160); map.insert(&"aaaa*!bbbb@ccc*".try_into().unwrap(), 170); let retrieved = map.get(&"aaaa1234!bbbb@cccc".try_into().unwrap()); assert_eq!(retrieved.len(), 2); assert!(retrieved.contains(&&160)); assert!(retrieved.contains(&&170)); } }