use ::image::{imageops, GenericImageView, Pixel, Rgba, RgbaImage}; use iced::{ advanced::svg::Handle, mouse::Cursor, widget::{ canvas, canvas::{Cache, Geometry, LineDash, Path, Stroke, Style}, image, svg, Canvas, }, Color, Point, Rectangle, Renderer, Theme, }; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use stackblur_iter::imgref::Img; use usvg::{tiny_skia_path::PathSegment, NodeKind, Transform, TreeParsing}; pub mod colours { use iced::Color; macro_rules! colour { ($r:literal, $g:literal, $b:literal) => {{ Color { r: $r / 255.0, g: $g / 255.0, b: $b / 255.0, a: 1.0, } }}; } pub const SYSTEM_GRAY6: Color = colour!(28.0, 28.0, 30.0); pub const ORANGE: Color = colour!(255.0, 149.0, 0.0); pub const SLATE_200: Color = colour!(226.0, 232.0, 240.0); pub const SLATE_400: Color = colour!(148.0, 163.0, 184.0); pub const SKY_500: Color = colour!(14.0, 165.0, 233.0); } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum Icon { Home, Back, Bulb, Hamburger, Speaker, SpeakerMuted, Backward, Forward, Play, Pause, Repeat, Repeat1, Cloud, ClearNight, Fog, Hail, Thunderstorms, ThunderstormsRain, PartlyCloudyDay, PartlyCloudyNight, ExtremeRain, Rain, Snow, ClearDay, Wind, Hvac, Shuffle, SpeakerFull, Dead, Search, Close, } impl Icon { pub fn data(self) -> &'static [u8] { macro_rules! image { ($path:expr) => { include_bytes!(concat!("../../assets/icons/", $path, ".svg")) }; } match self { Self::Home => image!("home"), Self::Back => image!("back"), Self::Bulb => image!("light-bulb"), Self::Hamburger => image!("hamburger"), Self::Speaker => image!("speaker"), Self::SpeakerMuted => image!("speaker-muted"), Self::SpeakerFull => image!("speaker-full"), Self::Backward => image!("backward"), Self::Forward => image!("forward"), Self::Play => image!("play"), Self::Pause => image!("pause"), Self::Repeat => image!("repeat"), Self::Cloud => image!("cloud"), Self::ClearNight => image!("clear-night"), Self::Fog => image!("fog"), Self::Hail => image!("hail"), Self::Thunderstorms => image!("thunderstorms"), Self::ThunderstormsRain => image!("thunderstorms-rain"), Self::PartlyCloudyDay => image!("partly-cloudy-day"), Self::PartlyCloudyNight => image!("partly-cloudy-night"), Self::ExtremeRain => image!("extreme-rain"), Self::Rain => image!("rain"), Self::Snow => image!("snow"), Self::ClearDay => image!("clear-day"), Self::Hvac => image!("hvac"), Self::Wind => image!("wind"), Self::Shuffle => image!("shuffle"), Self::Repeat1 => image!("repeat-1"), Self::Dead => image!("dead"), Self::Search => image!("search"), Self::Close => image!("close"), } } pub fn handle(self) -> svg::Handle { macro_rules! image { ($v:expr) => {{ static HANDLE: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| svg::Handle::from_memory($; (*HANDLE).clone() }}; } match self { Self::Home => image!(Icon::Home), Self::Back => image!(Icon::Back), Self::Bulb => image!(Icon::Bulb), Self::Hamburger => image!(Icon::Hamburger), Self::Speaker => image!(Icon::Speaker), Self::SpeakerMuted => image!(Icon::SpeakerMuted), Self::SpeakerFull => image!(Icon::SpeakerFull), Self::Backward => image!(Icon::Backward), Self::Forward => image!(Icon::Forward), Self::Play => image!(Icon::Play), Self::Pause => image!(Icon::Pause), Self::Repeat => image!(Icon::Repeat), Self::Cloud => image!(Icon::Cloud), Self::ClearNight => image!(Icon::ClearNight), Self::Fog => image!(Icon::Fog), Self::Hail => image!(Icon::Hail), Self::Thunderstorms => image!(Icon::Thunderstorms), Self::ThunderstormsRain => image!(Icon::ThunderstormsRain), Self::PartlyCloudyDay => image!(Icon::PartlyCloudyDay), Self::PartlyCloudyNight => image!(Icon::PartlyCloudyNight), Self::ExtremeRain => image!(Icon::ExtremeRain), Self::Rain => image!(Icon::Rain), Self::Snow => image!(Icon::Snow), Self::ClearDay => image!(Icon::ClearDay), Self::Hvac => image!(Icon::Hvac), Self::Wind => image!(Icon::Wind), Self::Shuffle => image!(Icon::Shuffle), Self::Repeat1 => image!(Icon::Repeat1), Self::Dead => image!(Icon::Dead), Self::Search => image!(Icon::Search), Self::Close => image!(Icon::Close), } } pub fn canvas(self, color: Color) -> Canvas { macro_rules! image { ($v:expr) => {{ thread_local! { static HANDLE: once_cell::unsync::Lazy = once_cell::unsync::Lazy::new(|| usvg::Tree::from_data($, &usvg::Options::default()).unwrap()); } HANDLE.with(|v| (*v).clone()) }}; } let svg = match self { Self::Home => image!(Icon::Home), Self::Back => image!(Icon::Back), Self::Bulb => image!(Icon::Bulb), Self::Hamburger => image!(Icon::Hamburger), Self::Speaker => image!(Icon::Speaker), Self::SpeakerMuted => image!(Icon::SpeakerMuted), Self::SpeakerFull => image!(Icon::SpeakerFull), Self::Backward => image!(Icon::Backward), Self::Forward => image!(Icon::Forward), Self::Play => image!(Icon::Play), Self::Pause => image!(Icon::Pause), Self::Repeat => image!(Icon::Repeat), Self::Cloud => image!(Icon::Cloud), Self::ClearNight => image!(Icon::ClearNight), Self::Fog => image!(Icon::Fog), Self::Hail => image!(Icon::Hail), Self::Thunderstorms => image!(Icon::Thunderstorms), Self::ThunderstormsRain => image!(Icon::ThunderstormsRain), Self::PartlyCloudyDay => image!(Icon::PartlyCloudyDay), Self::PartlyCloudyNight => image!(Icon::PartlyCloudyNight), Self::ExtremeRain => image!(Icon::ExtremeRain), Self::Rain => image!(Icon::Rain), Self::Snow => image!(Icon::Snow), Self::ClearDay => image!(Icon::ClearDay), Self::Hvac => image!(Icon::Hvac), Self::Wind => image!(Icon::Wind), Self::Shuffle => image!(Icon::Shuffle), Self::Repeat1 => image!(Icon::Repeat1), Self::Dead => image!(Icon::Dead), Self::Search => image!(Icon::Search), Self::Close => image!(Icon::Close), }; canvas(IconCanvas { cache: Cache::new(), svg, color, }) } } impl From for svg::Handle { fn from(value: Icon) -> Handle { value.handle() } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum Image { LivingRoom, Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom, DiningRoom, Sunset, UnknownArtist, } impl Image { fn handle(self) -> image::Handle { macro_rules! image { ($path:expr) => {{ static FILE: &[u8] = include_bytes!($path); static HANDLE: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { let img = ::image::load_from_memory(FILE).unwrap(); let (h, w) = img.dimensions(); let data = img.into_rgba8().into_raw(); image::Handle::from_pixels(h, w, data) }); (*HANDLE).clone() }}; } match self { Image::LivingRoom => image!("../../assets/images/living_room.jpg"), Image::Kitchen => image!("../../assets/images/kitchen.jpg"), Image::Bathroom => image!("../../assets/images/bathroom.jpg"), Image::Bedroom => image!("../../assets/images/bedroom.jpg"), Image::DiningRoom => image!("../../assets/images/dining_room.jpg"), Image::Sunset => image!("../../assets/images/sunset-blur.jpg"), Image::UnknownArtist => image!("../../assets/images/unknown_artist.jpg"), } } pub fn preload() { Self::LivingRoom.handle(); Self::Kitchen.handle(); Self::Bathroom.handle(); Self::Bedroom.handle(); Self::DiningRoom.handle(); } } impl From for image::Handle { fn from(value: Image) -> Self { value.handle() } } pub fn darken_image(mut img: RgbaImage, factor: f32) -> RgbaImage { for px in img.pixels_mut() { #[allow(clippy::cast_sign_loss, clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] px.apply_without_alpha(|v| (f32::from(v) * (1.0 - factor)).min(255.0) as u8); } eprintln!("darkened"); img } #[allow(clippy::many_single_char_names)] pub fn blur(img: &RgbaImage, radius: usize) -> RgbaImage { let width = img.width(); let height = img.height(); let mut raw = img .pixels() .map(|p| u32::from_be_bytes([p.0[3], p.0[0], p.0[1], p.0[2]])) .collect::>(); stackblur_iter::par_blur_srgb( &mut Img::new( &mut raw, width.try_into().unwrap(), height.try_into().unwrap(), ), radius, ); let mut image = RgbaImage::new(width, height); for (i, &pixel) in raw.iter().enumerate() { let x = u32::try_from(i).unwrap_or(u32::MAX) % width; let y = u32::try_from(i).unwrap_or(u32::MAX) / width; let [a, r, g, b] = pixel.to_be_bytes(); image.put_pixel(x, y, Rgba([r, g, b, a])); } image } pub fn trim_transparent_padding(mut image: RgbaImage) -> RgbaImage { let (width, height) = image.dimensions(); let mut top = 0; let mut bottom = height; let mut left = 0; let mut right = width; 'outer: for y in 0..height { for x in 0..width { let pixel = image.get_pixel(x, y); if pixel[3] != 0 { top = y; break 'outer; } } } 'outer: for y in (top..height).rev() { for x in 0..width { let pixel = image.get_pixel(x, y); if pixel[3] != 0 { bottom = y + 1; break 'outer; } } } 'outer: for x in 0..width { for y in top..bottom { let pixel = image.get_pixel(x, y); if pixel[3] != 0 { left = x; break 'outer; } } } 'outer: for x in (left..width).rev() { for y in top..bottom { let pixel = image.get_pixel(x, y); if pixel[3] != 0 { right = x + 1; break 'outer; } } } imageops::crop(&mut image, left, top, right - left, bottom - top).to_image() } /// Opacity, rotation and other transforms aren't available on iced's svg /// primitive, so we'll draw the svg onto a canvas we can apply transforms /// to instead. pub struct IconCanvas { cache: Cache, svg: usvg::Tree, color: Color, } impl canvas::Program for IconCanvas { type State = (); fn draw( &self, _state: &Self::State, renderer: &Renderer, _theme: &Theme, bounds: Rectangle, _cursor: Cursor, ) -> Vec { let frame = self.cache.draw(renderer, bounds.size(), |frame| { let scale = bounds.width / self.svg.size.width(); let translate_x = (bounds.width - self.svg.size.width() * scale) / 2.0; let translate_y = (bounds.height - self.svg.size.height() * scale) / 2.0; let transform = Transform::from_translate(translate_x, translate_y).post_scale(scale, scale); for node in self.svg.root.children() { if let NodeKind::Path(ref path) = *node.borrow() { let builder = Path::new(|builder| { for segment in { match segment { PathSegment::MoveTo(mut p) => { transform.map_point(&mut p); let usvg::tiny_skia_path::Point { x, y } = p; builder.move_to(Point::new(x, y)); } PathSegment::LineTo(mut p) => { transform.map_point(&mut p); let usvg::tiny_skia_path::Point { x, y } = p; builder.line_to(Point::new(x, y)); } PathSegment::Close => { builder.close(); } PathSegment::QuadTo(mut p1, mut p2) => { transform.map_point(&mut p1); transform.map_point(&mut p2); builder.quadratic_curve_to( Point::new(p1.x, p1.y), Point::new(p2.x, p2.y), ); } PathSegment::CubicTo(mut p1, mut p2, mut p3) => { transform.map_point(&mut p1); transform.map_point(&mut p2); transform.map_point(&mut p3); builder.bezier_curve_to( Point::new(p1.x, p1.y), Point::new(p2.x, p2.y), Point::new(p3.x, p3.y), ); } } } }); let stroke = if let Some(stroke) = &path.stroke { Stroke { style: Style::Solid(self.color), width: stroke.width.get(), line_cap: match stroke.linecap { usvg::LineCap::Butt => canvas::LineCap::Butt, usvg::LineCap::Round => canvas::LineCap::Round, usvg::LineCap::Square => canvas::LineCap::Square, }, line_join: match stroke.linejoin { usvg::LineJoin::Miter | usvg::LineJoin::MiterClip => { canvas::LineJoin::Miter } usvg::LineJoin::Round => canvas::LineJoin::Round, usvg::LineJoin::Bevel => canvas::LineJoin::Bevel, }, line_dash: LineDash::default(), } } else { Stroke::default() }; frame.stroke(&builder, stroke); } } }); vec![frame] } }