pub mod lights; pub mod listen; use std::sync::Arc; use iced::{ advanced::graphics::core::Element, font::{Stretch, Weight}, theme, widget::{ container, row, scrollable, scrollable::{Direction, Properties, Viewport}, text, Column, }, Color, Font, Length, Renderer, Subscription, Theme, }; use crate::{ config::Config, oracle::Oracle, subscriptions::MaybePendingImage, widgets::{ image_background::image_background, room_navigation::{Page, RoomNavigation}, }, }; const PADDING: u16 = 40; const SPACE_TOP: u16 = 51; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Room { id: &'static str, room: crate::oracle::Room, lights: lights::Lights, listen: listen::Listen, current_page: Page, dy: f32, pending_visible_toggle: bool, } impl Room { pub fn new(id: &'static str, oracle: Arc, config: Arc) -> Self { let room =; Self { id, listen: listen::Listen::new(oracle.clone(), &room, config), lights: lights::Lights::new(oracle, &room), room, current_page: Page::Listen, dy: 0.0, pending_visible_toggle: false, } } pub fn room_id(&self) -> &'static str { } pub fn update(&mut self, event: Message) -> Option { match event { Message::Lights(v) => self.lights.update(v).map(Event::Lights), Message::Listen(listen::Message::OnSearchVisibleToggle) if && self.dy > 0.0 => { // intercept search toggles on listen so we can scroll our scrollable to // the top first self.pending_visible_toggle = true; None } Message::Listen(v) => self.listen.update(v).map(Event::Listen), Message::ChangePage(page) => { self.dy = 0.0; self.current_page = page; None } Message::Exit => { self.dy = 0.0; Some(Event::Exit) } Message::OnContentScroll(viewport) => { self.dy = viewport.absolute_offset().y; None } Message::OnContentAnimateFinished => { if self.pending_visible_toggle { self.pending_visible_toggle = false; self.listen .update(listen::Message::OnSearchVisibleToggle) .map(Event::Listen) } else { None } } } } pub fn view(&self, style: &Theme) -> Element<'_, Message, Renderer> { let header = text( .size(60) .font(Font { weight: Weight::Bold, stretch: Stretch::Condensed, ..Font::with_name("Helvetica Neue") }) .style(theme::Text::Color(Color::WHITE)); let (mut current, needs_scrollable) = match self.current_page { Page::Climate => (Element::from(row![]), false), Page::Listen => ( self.listen.view(style).map(Message::Listen),, ), Page::Lights => ( container(self.lights.view().map(Message::Lights)) .padding([0, PADDING, 0, PADDING]) .into(), false, ), }; let (header, padding_mult) = if let Page::Listen = self.current_page { let padding_mult = if needs_scrollable { (self.dy / f32::from(SPACE_TOP)).min(1.0) } else { 0.0 }; ( self.listen .header_magic(header, padding_mult) .map(Message::Listen), padding_mult, ) } else { (Element::from(header), 0.0) }; let padding = f32::from(PADDING) * (1.0 - padding_mult); let header = container(header).padding([padding, padding, 0.0, padding]); let mut col = Column::new() .spacing(20.0 * (1.0 - padding_mult)) .push(header); if needs_scrollable { current = scrollable(container(current).width(Length::Fill).padding([ f32::from(PADDING + 30) * padding_mult, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ])) .direction(Direction::Vertical( Properties::default().scroller_width(0).width(0), )) .on_scroll(Message::OnContentScroll) .on_animate_finished(Message::OnContentAnimateFinished) .scroll_to_top(self.pending_visible_toggle) .into(); } col = col.push(current); let background = match self.current_page { Page::Listen => self .listen .background .as_ref() .and_then(MaybePendingImage::handle), _ => None, }; row![ RoomNavigation::new(self.current_page) .width(Length::FillPortion(2)) .on_change(Message::ChangePage) .on_exit(Message::Exit), image_background( background.unwrap_or_else(|| crate::theme::Image::Sunset.into()), col.width(Length::Fill).into(), ) .width(Length::FillPortion(15)) .height(Length::Fill), ] .height(Length::Fill) .width(Length::Fill) .into() } pub fn subscription(&self) -> Subscription { Subscription::batch([ self.listen.subscription().map(Message::Listen), self.lights.subscription().map(Message::Lights), ]) } } pub enum Event { Lights(lights::Event), Listen(listen::Event), Exit, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum Message { Lights(lights::Message), Listen(listen::Message), ChangePage(Page), OnContentScroll(Viewport), OnContentAnimateFinished, Exit, }