use std::{borrow::Cow, collections::HashMap}; use nom::{ branch::alt, bytes::complete::{escaped_transform, is_not, tag, take, take_until, take_while1}, character::complete::{alphanumeric1, char, digit0, digit1, multispace1}, combinator::{cut, fail, map, map_opt, peek, value}, error::context, multi::{fold_many0, many_till}, sequence::{delimited, preceded}, AsChar, }; use crate::{command::PartialCommand, subsystem::shell::IResult}; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum IterState<'a> { Expand(PartialCommand<'a>), Ready(PartialCommand<'a>), } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Iter<'a> { command: std::vec::IntoIter>, expanding: Option>>, stdio_out: [RedirectionTo<'a>; 2], exec: Option>, params: Vec>, } impl<'a> Iter<'a> { pub fn new(command: Vec>) -> Self { Self { command: command.into_iter(), expanding: None, stdio_out: [ RedirectionTo::Stdio(0), // stdout RedirectionTo::Stdio(1), // stderr ], exec: None, params: Vec::new(), } } } impl<'a> Iter<'a> { pub fn step( &mut self, env: &HashMap, Cow<'static, [u8]>>, mut previous_out: Option>, ) -> IterState<'a> { loop { let out = if let Some(expanding) = &mut self.expanding { return match expanding.step(env, previous_out) { IterState::Expand(cmd) => { // inner command has to expand some parameters, yield back to // the shell to execute it, and return `expanding` back to the // state, so we feed the input back to it IterState::Expand(cmd) } IterState::Ready(cmd) => { // inner command is ready to be executed after expanding its, // params, however it's _our_ expansion, so we'll rewrite its // 'ready to an expand', but we won't replace it back into the // state so the `previous_out` is written to our params self.expanding = None; IterState::Expand(cmd) } }; } else if let Some(arg) = previous_out.take() { // our `expanding` has completed, and we've received its output so lets // store it in our params Cow::Owned(arg) } else if let Some(arg) = { // traverse the command AST until we hit the next actionable part match arg { ParsedPart::Break => { // if we hit a break insert a new parameter to start writing into if self.params.last().map_or(true, |v| !v.is_empty()) { self.params.push(Cow::Borrowed(b"")); } continue; } ParsedPart::String(data) => { // push the string into our params data } ParsedPart::Expansion(Expansion::Command(command)) => { // command needs to be substituted so lets yield to it self.expanding = Some(Box::new(Iter::new(command))); continue; } ParsedPart::Expansion(Expansion::Variable(variable)) => { // substitute environment variable in env.get(&variable).cloned().unwrap_or(Cow::Borrowed(b"")) } ParsedPart::Redirection(idx, target) => { // store a stdio redirection if let Some(out) = self.stdio_out.get_mut(usize::from(idx)) { *out = target; } continue; } } } else { // fully evaluated and ready to be executed return IterState::Ready(PartialCommand::new( self.exec.clone(), self.params.clone(), )); }; if self.exec.is_none() { self.exec = Some(out); } else if let Some(lst) = self.params.last_mut() { lst.to_mut().extend_from_slice(&out); } else { self.params.push(out); } } } } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub enum ParsedPart<'a> { Break, String(Cow<'a, [u8]>), Expansion(Expansion<'a>), Redirection(u8, RedirectionTo<'a>), } impl ParsedPart<'_> { pub fn into_owned(self) -> ParsedPart<'static> { match self { ParsedPart::Break => ParsedPart::Break, ParsedPart::String(s) => ParsedPart::String(Cow::Owned(s.into_owned())), ParsedPart::Expansion(e) => ParsedPart::Expansion(e.into_owned()), ParsedPart::Redirection(s, e) => ParsedPart::Redirection(s, e.into_owned()), } } } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub enum RedirectionTo<'a> { Stdio(u8), File(Cow<'a, [u8]>), } impl RedirectionTo<'_> { pub fn into_owned(self) -> RedirectionTo<'static> { match self { RedirectionTo::Stdio(v) => RedirectionTo::Stdio(v), RedirectionTo::File(f) => RedirectionTo::File(Cow::Owned(f.into_owned())), } } } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub enum Expansion<'a> { Variable(Cow<'a, [u8]>), Command(Vec>), } impl Expansion<'_> { pub fn into_owned(self) -> Expansion<'static> { match self { Expansion::Variable(v) => Expansion::Variable(Cow::Owned(v.into_owned())), Expansion::Command(c) => { Expansion::Command(c.into_iter().map(ParsedPart::into_owned).collect()) } } } } /// Parses a single command (including substitutions), a command is delimited by a `;`, `|` or `>` pub fn tokenize(s: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Vec>> { fold_many0(parse_string_part, Vec::new, |mut acc, res| { acc.extend(res); acc })(s) } fn parse_string_part(s: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Vec>> { if s.is_empty() { return context("empty input", fail)(s); } alt(( parse_double_quoted, map( alt(( parse_redirection, map(multispace1, |_| ParsedPart::Break), map(parse_single_quoted, |r| { ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(r)) }), map(parse_expansion, ParsedPart::Expansion), map(parse_unquoted, |r| ParsedPart::String(Cow::Owned(r))), )), |r| vec![r], ), ))(s) } fn parse_redirection(s: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], ParsedPart<'_>> { let (s, from) = map_opt(digit0, atoi)(s)?; let (s, _) = char('>')(s)?; let (s, to) = alt(( map( preceded(char('&'), map_opt(digit1, atoi)), RedirectionTo::Stdio, ), map(alphanumeric1, |f| RedirectionTo::File(Cow::Borrowed(f))), ))(s)?; Ok((s, ParsedPart::Redirection(from, to))) } fn parse_unquoted(s: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Vec> { escaped_transform( is_not("\\\n \"'$`|>&();"), '\\', alt((value(b"".as_slice(), char('\n')), take(1_u8))), )(s) } fn parse_single_quoted(s: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> { // no special chars in single quoted, so we just need to read ahead // until the end quote delimited(char('\''), take_until("'"), char('\''))(s) } fn parse_double_quoted(s: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Vec>> { let escaped = escaped_transform( is_not("\\\"$`"), '\\', alt(( value(b"\"".as_slice(), char('"')), value(b"\n".as_slice(), char('n')), value(b"\t".as_slice(), char('t')), value(b"$".as_slice(), char('$')), value(b"`".as_slice(), char('`')), value(b"\\".as_slice(), char('\\')), )), ); let take_part = alt(( map(escaped, |r| ParsedPart::String(Cow::Owned(r))), map(parse_expansion, ParsedPart::Expansion), )); delimited( char('"'), map(many_till(take_part, peek(char('"'))), |(r, _)| r), char('"'), )(s) } fn parse_expansion(s: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Expansion<'_>> { let dollar_expansion = alt(( map(tag("$"), |f| Expansion::Variable(Cow::Borrowed(f))), map( delimited( char('('), cut(context("tokenize", tokenize)), cut(context("end brace", char(')'))), ), Expansion::Command, ), map(take_while1(|c: u8| c.is_alphanum() || c == b'_'), |f| { Expansion::Variable(Cow::Borrowed(f)) }), map( // TODO: this should deal with bash variable expansion operators // like `-` which allows for a rhs default is a var is unset delimited( char('{'), take_until("}"), cut(context("end brace", char('}'))), ), |f| Expansion::Variable(Cow::Borrowed(f)), ), )); alt(( preceded(char('$'), dollar_expansion), map( delimited(char('`'), context("tokenize", tokenize), char('`')), Expansion::Command, ), ))(s) } fn atoi(v: &[u8]) -> Option { if v.is_empty() { Some(0) } else { atoi::atoi(v) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { mod iter { use std::borrow::Cow; use crate::{ command::PartialCommand, server::ConnectionState, subsystem::shell::parser::{tokenize, Iter, IterState}, }; #[test] fn single_nested() { let (rest, s) = tokenize(b"echo $(echo hello) world!").unwrap(); assert!(rest.is_empty()); let state = ConnectionState::mock(); let mut command = Iter::new(s); // once we step we should be requested to execute `echo hello` for subbing let step = command.step(state.environment(), None); assert_eq!( step, IterState::Expand(PartialCommand::new( Some(Cow::Borrowed(b"echo")), vec![Cow::Borrowed(b"hello")] )) ); // step again with the supposed output of the command we were requested to execute // and we should receive the final command to execute let step = command.step(state.environment(), Some(b"hello".to_vec())); assert_eq!( step, IterState::Ready(PartialCommand::new( Some(Cow::Borrowed(b"echo")), vec![Cow::Borrowed(b"hello"), Cow::Borrowed(b"world!")] )) ); } #[test] fn multi_nested() { let (rest, s) = tokenize(b"echo $(echo hello `echo the whole`) world!").unwrap(); assert!(rest.is_empty()); let state = ConnectionState::mock(); let mut command = Iter::new(s); // once we step we should be requested to execute `echo the whole` for subbing let step = command.step(state.environment(), None); assert_eq!( step, IterState::Expand(PartialCommand::new( Some(Cow::Borrowed(b"echo")), vec![Cow::Borrowed(b"the"), Cow::Borrowed(b"whole")] )) ); // once we step we should be requested to execute `echo hello` for subbing let step = command.step(state.environment(), Some(b"the whole".to_vec())); assert_eq!( step, IterState::Expand(PartialCommand::new( Some(Cow::Borrowed(b"echo")), vec![Cow::Borrowed(b"hello"), Cow::Borrowed(b"the whole")] )) ); // step again with the supposed output of the command we were requested to execute // and we should receive the final command to execute let step = command.step(state.environment(), Some(b"hello the whole".to_vec())); assert_eq!( step, IterState::Ready(PartialCommand::new( Some(Cow::Borrowed(b"echo")), vec![Cow::Borrowed(b"hello the whole"), Cow::Borrowed(b"world!")] )) ); } } mod parse_command { use std::borrow::Cow; use crate::subsystem::shell::parser::{tokenize, Expansion, ParsedPart, RedirectionTo}; #[test] fn messed_up() { let (rest, s) = tokenize(b"echo ${HI}'this' \"is a \\t${TEST}\"using'$(complex string)>|' $(echo parsing) for the hell of it;fin").unwrap(); assert_eq!(rest, b";fin"); assert_eq!( s, vec![ ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"echo")), ParsedPart::Break, ParsedPart::Expansion(Expansion::Variable(Cow::Borrowed(b"HI"))), ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"this")), ParsedPart::Break, ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"is a \t")), ParsedPart::Expansion(Expansion::Variable(Cow::Borrowed(b"TEST"))), ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"using")), ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"$(complex string)>|")), ParsedPart::Break, ParsedPart::Expansion(Expansion::Command(vec![ ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"echo")), ParsedPart::Break, ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"parsing")), ])), ParsedPart::Break, ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"for")), ParsedPart::Break, ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"the")), ParsedPart::Break, ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"hell")), ParsedPart::Break, ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"of")), ParsedPart::Break, ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"it")), ] ); } #[test] fn parses_named_redirects() { let (rest, s) = tokenize(b"hello test 2>&1").unwrap(); assert!(rest.is_empty(), "{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(rest)); assert_eq!( s, vec![ ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"hello")), ParsedPart::Break, ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"test")), ParsedPart::Break, ParsedPart::Redirection(2, RedirectionTo::Stdio(1)), ] ); } #[test] fn parses_unnamed_redirects() { let (rest, s) = tokenize(b"hello test >&1").unwrap(); assert!(rest.is_empty(), "{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(rest)); assert_eq!( s, vec![ ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"hello")), ParsedPart::Break, ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"test")), ParsedPart::Break, ParsedPart::Redirection(0, RedirectionTo::Stdio(1)), ] ); } } mod parse_expansion { use std::borrow::Cow; use crate::subsystem::shell::parser::{parse_expansion, Expansion, ParsedPart}; #[test] fn double_dollar() { let (rest, s) = parse_expansion(b"$$a").unwrap(); assert_eq!(rest, b"a"); assert_eq!(s, Expansion::Variable(Cow::Borrowed(b"$"))); } #[test] fn variable() { let (rest, s) = parse_expansion(b"$HELLO_WORLD").unwrap(); assert!(rest.is_empty()); assert_eq!(s, Expansion::Variable(Cow::Borrowed(b"HELLO_WORLD"))); } #[test] fn variable_split() { let (rest, s) = parse_expansion(b"$HELLO-WORLD").unwrap(); assert_eq!(rest, b"-WORLD"); assert_eq!(s, Expansion::Variable(Cow::Borrowed(b"HELLO"))); } #[test] fn braced_variable() { let (rest, s) = parse_expansion(b"${helloworld}").unwrap(); assert!(rest.is_empty()); assert_eq!(s, Expansion::Variable(Cow::Borrowed(b"helloworld"))); } #[test] fn not_expansion() { parse_expansion(b"NOT_VARIABLE").expect_err("not variable"); } #[test] fn nested() { let (rest, s) = parse_expansion(b"$(\'echo\' \'hello\')").unwrap(); assert!(rest.is_empty(), "{rest:?}"); assert_eq!( s, Expansion::Command(vec![ ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"echo")), ParsedPart::Break, ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"hello")), ]) ); } } mod parse_unquoted { use crate::subsystem::shell::parser::parse_unquoted; #[test] fn escape() { let (rest, s) = parse_unquoted(b"hello\\ \\world\\ \\thi\\ns\\ is\\ a\\ \\$test\\\n! dontparse") .unwrap(); assert_eq!(rest, b" dontparse", "{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(rest)); assert_eq!( s, b"hello world thins is a $test!".to_vec(), "{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&s) ); } } mod parse_single_quoted { use crate::subsystem::shell::parser::parse_single_quoted; #[test] fn multi_quote() { let (rest, s) = parse_single_quoted(b"'hello''world'").unwrap(); assert_eq!(rest, b"'world'"); assert_eq!(s, b"hello"); } } mod parse_double_quoted { use std::borrow::Cow; use crate::subsystem::shell::parser::{parse_double_quoted, Expansion, ParsedPart}; #[test] fn with_expansion() { let (rest, s) = parse_double_quoted(b"\"hello world $('cat' 'test') test\"").unwrap(); assert!(rest.is_empty()); assert_eq!( s, vec![ ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"hello world ")), ParsedPart::Expansion(Expansion::Command(vec![ ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"cat")), ParsedPart::Break, ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"test")), ])), ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b" test")), ] ); } #[test] fn with_expansion_escape() { let (rest, s) = parse_double_quoted(b"\"hello world \\$('cat' 'test') test\"").unwrap(); assert!(rest.is_empty()); assert_eq!( s, vec![ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed( b"hello world $('cat' 'test') test" ))] ); } #[test] fn with_escape_code() { let (rest, s) = parse_double_quoted(b"\"hi\\nworld\"").unwrap(); assert!(rest.is_empty()); assert_eq!(s, vec![ParsedPart::String(Cow::Borrowed(b"hi\nworld"))]); } } }