use std::{ borrow::Cow, collections::HashMap, future::Future, net::SocketAddr, pin::Pin, sync::Arc, task::{Context, Poll}, }; use futures::{ future::{BoxFuture, InspectErr}, FutureExt, TryFutureExt, }; use thrussh::{ server::{Auth, Response, Session}, ChannelId, CryptoVec, Pty, Sig, }; use thrussh_keys::key::PublicKey; use tokio::sync::{mpsc::UnboundedSender, Mutex}; use tracing::{debug, error, info, info_span, instrument::Instrumented, Instrument, Span}; use crate::{ audit::{ AuditLog, AuditLogAction, LoginAttemptEvent, OpenDirectTcpIpEvent, OpenX11Event, PtyRequestEvent, SignalEvent, SubsystemRequestEvent, TcpIpForwardEvent, WindowAdjustedEvent, WindowChangeRequestEvent, X11RequestEvent, }, config::Config, file_system::FileSystem, state::State, subsystem::{self, shell::Shell, Subsystem as SubsystemTrait}, }; pub static KEYBOARD_INTERACTIVE_PROMPT: &[(Cow<'static, str>, bool)] = &[(Cow::Borrowed("Password: "), false)]; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Server { config: Arc, state: Arc, hostname: &'static str, audit_send: UnboundedSender, } impl Server { pub fn new( hostname: &'static str, config: Arc, audit_send: UnboundedSender, ) -> Self { Self { config, hostname, state: Arc::new(State::default()), audit_send, } } } impl thrussh::server::Server for Server { type Handler = Connection; fn new(&mut self, peer_addr: Option) -> Self::Handler { let connection_id = uuid::Uuid::new_v4(); Connection { span: info_span!("connection", ?peer_addr, %connection_id), server: self.clone(), state: ConnectionState { audit_log: AuditLog { connection_id, host: Cow::Borrowed(self.hostname), peer_address: peer_addr, ..AuditLog::default() }, username: None, file_system: None, environment: HashMap::new(), }, subsystem: HashMap::new(), } } } pub struct ConnectionState { audit_log: AuditLog, username: Option, file_system: Option, environment: HashMap, Cow<'static, [u8]>>, } impl ConnectionState { #[cfg(test)] pub fn mock() -> Self { use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr}; ConnectionState { audit_log: AuditLog { connection_id: uuid::Uuid::from_bytes([ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, ]), host: Cow::Borrowed("hello world"), peer_address: Some(SocketAddr::new( IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), 1234, )), ..AuditLog::default() }, username: None, file_system: None, environment: HashMap::new(), } } } impl ConnectionState { pub fn username(&self) -> &str { self.username.as_deref().unwrap_or("root") } pub fn file_system(&mut self) -> &mut FileSystem { if self.file_system.is_none() { self.file_system = Some(FileSystem::new(self.username())); } self.file_system.as_mut().unwrap() } pub fn audit_log(&mut self) -> &mut AuditLog { &mut self.audit_log } pub fn environment(&self) -> &HashMap, Cow<'static, [u8]>> { &self.environment } } pub struct Connection { span: Span, server: Server, state: ConnectionState, subsystem: HashMap>>, } impl Connection { fn try_login(&mut self, user: &str, password: &str) -> bool { self.state.username = Some(user.to_string()); let res = if self .server .state .previously_accepted_passwords .seen(user, password) { info!(user, password, "Accepted login due to it being used before"); true } else if fastrand::f64() <= self.server.config.access_probability { info!(user, password, "Accepted login randomly"); self.server .state .previously_accepted_passwords .store(user, password); true } else { info!(?user, ?password, "Rejected login"); false }; self.state .audit_log .push_action(AuditLogAction::LoginAttempt( LoginAttemptEvent::UsernamePassword { username: Box::from(user), password: Box::from(password), }, )); res } } impl thrussh::server::Handler for Connection { type Error = anyhow::Error; type FutureAuth = HandlerFuture; type FutureUnit = HandlerFuture; type FutureBool = ServerFuture>>; fn finished_auth(self, auth: Auth) -> Self::FutureAuth { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "finished_auth"); futures::future::ok((self, auth)).boxed().wrap(span) } fn finished_bool(self, b: bool, session: Session) -> Self::FutureBool { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "finished_bool"); let _entered = span.enter(); futures::future::ok((self, session, b)) .boxed() .wrap(Span::current()) } fn finished(self, session: Session) -> Self::FutureUnit { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "finished"); let _entered = span.enter(); futures::future::ok((self, session)) .boxed() .wrap(Span::current()) } fn auth_none(self, _user: &str) -> Self::FutureAuth { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "auth_none"); self.finished_auth(Auth::UnsupportedMethod) .boxed() .wrap(span) } fn auth_password(mut self, user: &str, password: &str) -> Self::FutureAuth { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "auth_password"); let _entered = span.enter(); let res = if self.try_login(user, password) { Auth::Accept } else { Auth::Reject }; self.finished_auth(res) } fn auth_publickey(mut self, _user: &str, public_key: &PublicKey) -> Self::FutureAuth { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "auth_publickey"); let _entered = span.enter(); let kind =; let fingerprint = public_key.fingerprint(); self.state .audit_log .push_action(AuditLogAction::LoginAttempt(LoginAttemptEvent::PublicKey { kind: Cow::Borrowed(kind), fingerprint: Box::from(fingerprint), })); self.finished_auth(Auth::Reject) .boxed() .wrap(Span::current()) } fn auth_keyboard_interactive( mut self, user: &str, _submethods: &str, mut response: Option, ) -> Self::FutureAuth { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "auth_keyboard_interactive"); let _entered = span.enter(); let result = if let Some(password) = response .as_mut() .and_then(Response::next) .map(String::from_utf8_lossy) { if self.try_login(user, password.as_ref()) { Auth::Accept } else { Auth::Reject } } else { debug!("Client is attempting keyboard-interactive, obliging"); Auth::Partial { name: "".into(), instructions: "".into(), prompts: KEYBOARD_INTERACTIVE_PROMPT.into(), } }; self.finished_auth(result) } fn channel_close(self, channel: ChannelId, mut session: Session) -> Self::FutureUnit { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "channel_close"); let _entered = span.enter(); session.channel_success(channel); self.finished(session).boxed().wrap(Span::current()) } fn channel_eof(mut self, channel: ChannelId, mut session: Session) -> Self::FutureUnit { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "channel_eof"); let _entered = span.enter(); if self.subsystem.remove(&channel).is_some() { session.exit_status_request(channel, 0); session.channel_success(channel); } else { session.channel_failure(channel); } session.close(channel); self.finished(session).boxed().wrap(Span::current()) } fn channel_open_session(self, channel: ChannelId, mut session: Session) -> Self::FutureUnit { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "channel_open_session"); let _entered = span.enter(); session.channel_success(channel); self.finished(session).boxed().wrap(Span::current()) } fn channel_open_x11( mut self, channel: ChannelId, originator_address: &str, originator_port: u32, mut session: Session, ) -> Self::FutureUnit { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "channel_open_x11"); let _entered = span.enter(); self.state .audit_log .push_action(AuditLogAction::OpenX11(OpenX11Event { originator_address: Box::from(originator_address), originator_port, })); session.channel_failure(channel); self.finished(session).boxed().wrap(Span::current()) } fn channel_open_direct_tcpip( mut self, channel: ChannelId, host_to_connect: &str, port_to_connect: u32, originator_address: &str, originator_port: u32, mut session: Session, ) -> Self::FutureUnit { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "channel_open_direct_tcpip"); let _entered = span.enter(); self.state .audit_log .push_action(AuditLogAction::OpenDirectTcpIp(OpenDirectTcpIpEvent { host_to_connect: Box::from(host_to_connect), port_to_connect, originator_address: Box::from(originator_address), originator_port, })); session.channel_failure(channel); self.finished(session).boxed().wrap(Span::current()) } fn data(mut self, channel: ChannelId, data: &[u8], mut session: Session) -> Self::FutureUnit { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "data"); let _entered = span.enter(); // TODO: don't unwrap let subsystem = self.subsystem.get(&channel).unwrap().clone(); let data = data.to_vec(); async move { let mut subsystem = subsystem.lock().await; match &mut *subsystem { Subsystem::Shell(ref mut inner) => { inner .data(&mut self.state, channel, &data, &mut session) .await; } Subsystem::Sftp(ref mut inner) => { inner .data(&mut self.state, channel, &data, &mut session) .await; } } self.finished(session).await } .boxed() .wrap(Span::current()) } fn extended_data( self, _channel: ChannelId, _code: u32, _data: &[u8], session: Session, ) -> Self::FutureUnit { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "extended_data"); let _entered = span.enter(); self.finished(session).boxed().wrap(Span::current()) } fn window_adjusted( mut self, _channel: ChannelId, new_window_size: usize, session: Session, ) -> Self::FutureUnit { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "window_adjusted"); let _entered = span.enter(); self.state .audit_log .push_action(AuditLogAction::WindowAdjusted(WindowAdjustedEvent { new_size: new_window_size, })); self.finished(session).boxed().wrap(Span::current()) } fn adjust_window(&mut self, _channel: ChannelId, current: u32) -> u32 { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "adjust_window"); let _entered = span.enter(); current } fn pty_request( mut self, channel: ChannelId, term: &str, col_width: u32, row_height: u32, pix_width: u32, pix_height: u32, modes: &[(Pty, u32)], mut session: Session, ) -> Self::FutureUnit { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "pty_request"); let _entered = span.enter(); self.state .audit_log .push_action(AuditLogAction::PtyRequest(PtyRequestEvent { term: Box::from(term), col_width, row_height, pix_width, pix_height, modes: Box::from( modes .iter() .copied() .map(|(pty, val)| (pty as u8, val)) .collect::>(), ), })); session.channel_failure(channel); self.finished(session).boxed().wrap(Span::current()) } fn x11_request( mut self, channel: ChannelId, single_connection: bool, x11_auth_protocol: &str, x11_auth_cookie: &str, x11_screen_number: u32, mut session: Session, ) -> Self::FutureUnit { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "x11_request"); let _entered = span.enter(); self.state .audit_log .push_action(AuditLogAction::X11Request(X11RequestEvent { single_connection, x11_auth_protocol: Box::from(x11_auth_protocol), x11_auth_cookie: Box::from(x11_auth_cookie), x11_screen_number, })); session.channel_failure(channel); self.finished(session).boxed().wrap(Span::current()) } fn env_request( mut self, channel: ChannelId, variable_name: &str, variable_value: &str, mut session: Session, ) -> Self::FutureUnit { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "env_request"); let _entered = span.enter(); self.state .audit_log .environment_variables .push((Box::from(variable_name), Box::from(variable_value))); session.channel_success(channel); self.finished(session).boxed().wrap(Span::current()) } fn shell_request(mut self, channel: ChannelId, mut session: Session) -> Self::FutureUnit { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "shell_request"); let _entered = span.enter(); self.state .audit_log .push_action(AuditLogAction::ShellRequested); let shell = Shell::new(true, channel, &mut session); self.subsystem .insert(channel, Arc::new(Mutex::new(Subsystem::Shell(shell)))); session.channel_success(channel); self.finished(session).boxed().wrap(Span::current()) } fn exec_request( mut self, channel: ChannelId, data: &[u8], mut session: Session, ) -> Self::FutureUnit { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "exec_request"); let _entered = span.enter(); let data = data.to_vec(); async move { let mut shell = Shell::new(false, channel, &mut session); shell .data(&mut self.state, channel, &data, &mut session) .await; self.subsystem .insert(channel, Arc::new(Mutex::new(Subsystem::Shell(shell)))); session.channel_success(channel); self.finished(session).await } .boxed() .wrap(Span::current()) } fn subsystem_request( mut self, channel: ChannelId, name: &str, mut session: Session, ) -> Self::FutureUnit { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "subsystem_request"); let _entered = span.enter(); self.state .audit_log .push_action(AuditLogAction::SubsystemRequest(SubsystemRequestEvent { name: Box::from(name), })); let subsystem = match name { subsystem::sftp::Sftp::NAME => Some(Subsystem::Sftp(subsystem::sftp::Sftp::default())), _ => None, }; if let Some(subsystem) = subsystem { self.subsystem .insert(channel, Arc::new(Mutex::new(subsystem))); session.channel_success(channel); } else { session.channel_failure(channel); } self.finished(session).boxed().wrap(Span::current()) } fn window_change_request( mut self, channel: ChannelId, col_width: u32, row_height: u32, pix_width: u32, pix_height: u32, mut session: Session, ) -> Self::FutureUnit { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "window_change_request"); let _entered = span.enter(); self.state .audit_log .push_action(AuditLogAction::WindowChangeRequest( WindowChangeRequestEvent { col_width, row_height, pix_width, pix_height, }, )); session.channel_success(channel); self.finished(session).boxed().wrap(Span::current()) } fn signal( mut self, _channel: ChannelId, signal_name: Sig, session: Session, ) -> Self::FutureUnit { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "signal"); let _entered = span.enter(); self.state .audit_log .push_action(AuditLogAction::Signal(SignalEvent { name: format!("{signal_name:?}").into(), })); self.finished(session).boxed().wrap(Span::current()) } fn tcpip_forward(mut self, address: &str, port: u32, session: Session) -> Self::FutureBool { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "tcpip_forward"); let _entered = span.enter(); self.state .audit_log .push_action(AuditLogAction::TcpIpForward(TcpIpForwardEvent { address: Box::from(address), port, })); self.finished_bool(false, session) .boxed() .wrap(Span::current()) } fn cancel_tcpip_forward( mut self, address: &str, port: u32, session: Session, ) -> Self::FutureBool { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "cancel_tcpip_forward"); let _entered = span.enter(); self.state .audit_log .push_action(AuditLogAction::CancelTcpIpForward(TcpIpForwardEvent { address: Box::from(address), port, })); self.finished_bool(false, session) .boxed() .wrap(Span::current()) } } impl Drop for Connection { fn drop(&mut self) { let span = info_span!(parent: &self.span, "drop"); let _entered = span.enter(); info!("Connection closed"); let _res = self .server .audit_send .send(std::mem::take(&mut self.state.audit_log)); } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Subsystem { Shell(subsystem::shell::Shell), Sftp(subsystem::sftp::Sftp), } #[cfg_attr(test, mockall::automock)] pub trait ThrusshSession { fn data(&mut self, channel: ChannelId, data: CryptoVec); fn redirected(&self) -> bool { false } } impl ThrusshSession for Session { fn data(&mut self, channel: ChannelId, data: CryptoVec) { Session::data(self, channel, data); } } impl ThrusshSession for &mut Session { fn data(&mut self, channel: ChannelId, data: CryptoVec) { Session::data(self, channel, data); } } pub enum EitherSession { L(A), R(B), } impl ThrusshSession for EitherSession { fn data(&mut self, channel: ChannelId, data: CryptoVec) { match self { Self::L(a) =>, data), Self::R(b) =>, data), } } fn redirected(&self) -> bool { match self { Self::L(a) => a.redirected(), Self::R(b) => b.redirected(), } } } pub struct StdoutCaptureSession<'a> { /// Captured stdout out: &'a mut Vec, } impl<'a> StdoutCaptureSession<'a> { pub fn new(out: &'a mut Vec) -> Self { Self { out } } } impl ThrusshSession for StdoutCaptureSession<'_> { fn data(&mut self, _channel: ChannelId, data: CryptoVec) { self.out.extend_from_slice(data.as_ref()); } fn redirected(&self) -> bool { true } } type HandlerResult = Result::Error>; type HandlerFuture = ServerFuture< ::Error, BoxFuture<'static, HandlerResult<(Connection, T)>>, >; /// Wraps a future, providing logging and instrumentation. This provides a newtype over the future /// (`ServerFuture`) in order to enforce usage within the `thrussh::server::Handler` impl. pub trait WrapFuture: Sized { type Ok; type Err; fn wrap(self, span: Span) -> ServerFuture; } impl>> WrapFuture for F { type Ok = T; type Err = anyhow::Error; fn wrap(self, span: Span) -> ServerFuture { ServerFuture( self.inspect_err(log_err as fn(&anyhow::Error)) .instrument(span), ) } } /// Logs an error from a future result. fn log_err(e: &anyhow::Error) { error!("Connection closed due to: {}", e); } /// A wrapped future, providing logging ad instrumentation. #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] pub struct ServerFuture(Instrumented>); impl> + Unpin> Future for ServerFuture { type Output = F::Output; fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll { Pin::new(&mut self.0).poll(cx) } } #[cfg(test)] pub mod test { use thrussh::ChannelId; pub fn fake_channel_id() -> ChannelId { unsafe { std::mem::transmute(0_u32) } } pub mod predicate { use mockall::{predicate, Predicate}; use thrussh::CryptoVec; pub fn eq_string(s: &str) -> impl Predicate + '_ { predicate::function(|v: &CryptoVec| &**v == s.as_bytes()) } } }