use std::{path::PathBuf, str::FromStr}; use async_trait::async_trait; use bytes::{Buf, BytesMut}; use nom::{ bytes::complete::{tag, take, take_until}, character::complete::{digit1, u64}, combinator::{map, map_res}, IResult, }; use pisshoff_types::audit::{AuditLogAction, WriteFileEvent}; use thrussh::ChannelId; use tracing::warn; use crate::{ command::{Arg, Command, CommandResult}, server::{ConnectionState, ThrusshSession}, }; const HELP: &str = "usage: scp [-346ABCOpqRrsTv] [-c cipher] [-D sftp_server_path] [-F ssh_config] [-i identity_file] [-J destination] [-l limit] [-o ssh_option] [-P port] [-S program] [-X sftp_option] source ... target\n"; const AMBIGUOUS_TARGET: &str = "scp: ambiguous target\n"; const SUCCESS: &str = "\0"; // #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Scp { path: PathBuf, pending_data: BytesMut, state: State, } #[async_trait] impl Command for Scp { async fn new( _connection: &mut ConnectionState, params: &[String], channel: ChannelId, session: &mut S, ) -> CommandResult { let mut path = None; let mut transfer = false; for param in super::argparse(params) { match param { Arg::Short('t') => { transfer = true; } Arg::Short('r' | 'v') => { // this is an allowed param, do nothing } Arg::Operand(p) => { path = Some(p); } _ => {, HELP.to_string().into()); return CommandResult::Exit(1); } } } let Some(path) = path else {, AMBIGUOUS_TARGET.to_string().into()); return CommandResult::Exit(1); }; if !transfer {, HELP.to_string().into()); return CommandResult::Exit(1); } // signal to the client we've started listening, SUCCESS.to_string().into()); CommandResult::ReadStdin(Self { path: PathBuf::new().join(path), pending_data: BytesMut::new(), state: State::Waiting, }) } async fn stdin( mut self, connection: &mut ConnectionState, channel: ChannelId, data: &[u8], session: &mut S, ) -> CommandResult { self.pending_data.extend_from_slice(data); let mut exit = false; while !self.pending_data.is_empty() && !exit { let next_state = match self.state { State::Waiting => { match Receive::parse(&self.pending_data) { Ok((rest, res)) => { let mut state = State::Waiting; match res { Receive::FileCopy { length, file_name, .. } => { state = State::ReceivingFile(length, self.path.join(file_name)); } Receive::DirectoryCopy { directory_name, .. } => { self.path.push(directory_name); } Receive::EndDirectory => { self.path.pop(); } Receive::AccessTime { .. } => {} } self.pending_data .advance(self.pending_data.len() - rest.len()); // signal to the client we received their message and we're now // listening for more data, SUCCESS.to_string().into()); state } Err(error) => { warn!(%error, "Rejecting scp modes payload"); return CommandResult::Exit(1); } } } State::ReceivingFile(length, path) => { if self.pending_data.len() < length { // keep waiting for more data... exit = true; State::ReceivingFile(length, path) } else { // we've received the whole file, lets print and start waiting again let data = self.pending_data.split_to(length); connection .audit_log() .push_action(AuditLogAction::WriteFile(WriteFileEvent { path: Box::from(path.to_string_lossy().into_owned()), content: data.freeze(), })); State::AwaitingSeparator } } State::AwaitingSeparator => { if self.pending_data.starts_with(&[0]) { self.pending_data.advance(1); // signal to the client we received their message and we're now listening // for more data, SUCCESS.to_string().into()); } State::Waiting } }; self.state = next_state; } CommandResult::ReadStdin(self) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] enum State { Waiting, ReceivingFile(usize, PathBuf), AwaitingSeparator, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] #[allow(dead_code)] enum Receive<'a> { FileCopy { mode: &'a str, length: usize, file_name: &'a str, }, DirectoryCopy { mode: &'a str, length: u64, directory_name: &'a str, }, EndDirectory, AccessTime { modified_time: u64, modified_time_micros: u64, access_time: u64, access_time_micros: u64, }, } enum ReceiveType { FileCopy, DirectoryCopy, EndDirectory, AccessTime, } impl<'a> Receive<'a> { fn parse(rest: &'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8], Receive<'a>> { let (rest, typ) = nom::branch::alt(( map(tag("C"), |_| ReceiveType::FileCopy), map(tag("D"), |_| ReceiveType::DirectoryCopy), map(tag("E"), |_| ReceiveType::EndDirectory), map(tag("T"), |_| ReceiveType::AccessTime), ))(rest)?; match typ { ReceiveType::FileCopy => { let (rest, mode) = map_res(take(4_usize), std::str::from_utf8)(rest)?; let (rest, _) = tag(" ")(rest)?; let (rest, length) = map_res(map_res(digit1, std::str::from_utf8), usize::from_str)(rest)?; let (rest, _) = tag(" ")(rest)?; let (rest, file_name) = map_res(take_until("\n"), std::str::from_utf8)(rest)?; let (rest, _) = tag("\n")(rest)?; Ok(( rest, Receive::FileCopy { mode, length, file_name, }, )) } ReceiveType::DirectoryCopy => { let (rest, mode) = map_res(take(4_usize), std::str::from_utf8)(rest)?; let (rest, _) = tag(" ")(rest)?; let (rest, length) = u64(rest)?; let (rest, _) = tag(" ")(rest)?; let (rest, directory_name) = map_res(take_until("\n"), std::str::from_utf8)(rest)?; let (rest, _) = tag("\n")(rest)?; Ok(( rest, Receive::DirectoryCopy { mode, length, directory_name, }, )) } ReceiveType::EndDirectory => { let (rest, _) = tag("\n")(rest)?; Ok((rest, Receive::EndDirectory)) } ReceiveType::AccessTime => { let (rest, modified_time) = map_res(map_res(digit1, std::str::from_utf8), u64::from_str)(rest)?; let (rest, _) = tag(" ")(rest)?; let (rest, modified_time_micros) = map_res(map_res(digit1, std::str::from_utf8), u64::from_str)(rest)?; let (rest, _) = tag(" ")(rest)?; let (rest, access_time) = map_res(map_res(digit1, std::str::from_utf8), u64::from_str)(rest)?; let (rest, _) = tag(" ")(rest)?; let (rest, access_time_micros) = map_res(map_res(digit1, std::str::from_utf8), u64::from_str)(rest)?; let (rest, _) = tag("\n")(rest)?; Ok(( rest, Receive::AccessTime { modified_time, modified_time_micros, access_time, access_time_micros, }, )) } } } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use insta::assert_debug_snapshot; use mockall::predicate::always; use crate::{ command::{scp::Scp, Command}, server::{ test::{fake_channel_id, predicate::eq_string}, ConnectionState, MockThrusshSession, }, }; mod packet_parser { use crate::command::scp::Receive; #[test] fn file_copy() { let (_, actual) = Receive::parse(b"C0777 1234 test.txt\n").unwrap(); let expected = Receive::FileCopy { mode: "0777", length: 1234, file_name: "test.txt", }; assert_eq!(actual, expected); } #[test] fn directory_copy() { let (_, actual) = Receive::parse(b"D0777 1234 test\n").unwrap(); let expected = Receive::DirectoryCopy { mode: "0777", length: 1234, directory_name: "test", }; assert_eq!(actual, expected); } #[test] fn end_directory() { let (_, actual) = Receive::parse(b"E\n").unwrap(); let expected = Receive::EndDirectory; assert_eq!(actual, expected); } #[test] fn access_time() { let (_, actual) = Receive::parse(b"T123 444 555 666\n").unwrap(); let expected = Receive::AccessTime { modified_time: 123, modified_time_micros: 444, access_time: 555, access_time_micros: 666, }; assert_eq!(actual, expected); } } #[tokio::test] async fn works() { let mut session = MockThrusshSession::default(); let mut state = ConnectionState::mock(); session .expect_data() .with(always(), eq_string("\0")) .returning(|_, _| ()); let out = Scp::new( &mut state, ["-t".to_string(), "hello".to_string()].as_slice(), fake_channel_id(), &mut session, ) .await .unwrap_stdin(); let _out = out .stdin( &mut state, fake_channel_id(), b"C0777 11 hello.txt\nhello world\0", &mut session, ) .await .unwrap_stdin(); insta::with_settings!({filters => vec![ (r"\bstart_offset: [^,]+", "start_offset: [stripped]") ]}, { assert_debug_snapshot!(state.audit_log()); }); } }