/* * Infinity Loader :: Created By AgreedBog381 && SyGnUs Legends * * Project : wreck it ralph * Author : * Game : Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 * Description : An empty canvas for anything you want! * Date : 14/07/2021 21:07:09 * */ getHostCommands() { commands = []; commands["Advertise"] = ::command_advertise; commands["Toggle Ranked Match"] = ::command_toggle_ranked_match; return commands; } command_advertise() { foreach(p in level.players) { p thread doAdvertise(); } } doAdvertise() { self endon("disconnect"); advert = self createText("Objective", 2.0, "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 0, 0, "1", "", (1, 1, 1)); advert setText("^1This is a Cool Beans lobby"); wait 4; advert setText("^2No uncool beans allowed."); wait 4; advert setText("^3Be cool and respectful"); wait 4; advert setText("^4Take it easy"); wait 4; advert destroy(); } command_toggle_ranked_match() { if (getDvarInt("xblive_privatematch") == 0) { self setClientDvar("xblive_hostingprivateparty", 1); setDvar("xblive_hostingprivateparty", 1); setDvar("xblive_privatematch", 1); self IPrintLn("^1Set to private match"); } else { gametype1 = getDvar("ui_gametype"); gametype2 = getDvar("party_gametype"); gametype3 = getDvar("g_gametype"); setDvar("onlinegameandhost", 1); setDvar("party_teambased", 1); self setClientDvar("xblive_hostingprivateparty", 0); setDvar("xblive_privatematch", 0); setDvar("xblive_loggedin", 1); self setClientDvar("xblive_loggedin", 1); setDvar("xblive_hostingprivateparty", 0); setDvar("ui_gametype", gametype1); setDvar("g_gametype", gametype3); self IPrintLn("^2Set to ranked match"); } }