# chartered a little dig at creating a private cargo repository with authenticated downloads, the plan is to have cargo connect to a git server we setup that can serve a fake index generated just for the authenticated user that we can embed temporary authentication credentials into. learn more at https://book.chart.rs/ designed to be easily morphable into a first-class authenticated registry-provider once [one][1] [of][2] the cargo RFCs go through. [1]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/2719 [2]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/3139 [open tasks](https://github.com/w4/chartered/issues) #### fine grained permissions per user per crate - VISIBLE - PUBLISH_VERSION - YANK_VERSION - MANAGE_USERS #### organisation support crates are required to be under an organisation, the organisation can be specified when declaring the custom registry in `.cargo/config.toml` like so: ``` [registries] my-org = { index = "ssh://chart.rs:22/my-org" } my-other-org = { index = "ssh://chart.rs:22/my-other-org" } ``` #### screen shots crate view (light) crate view (dark)